charlie rosenzweig


Magnolia, KY

United States

Profile Information:

Aircraft Model
STOL CH 701, STOL CH 750, CH 750 Cruzer
Project Status
Nearly done
Building From
Engine installed (or plan to install)
Building Experience
Have already built an airplane
Flying Experience
Private Pilot
Building and Flying Info / Your Profession / Other Background Info
Purchased a partially completed Cruzer. It came with a 3.0L Corvair. I have previously built and flown a Turbo Honda RV6A.
Home Airport (ie. KMYJ)

Comment Wall:

  • Kimbull McAndrew

    Hi Charlie
    Thanks for getting back to me. I would not be able to import it with the advanced stage of construction. The Canadian inspection requirements include a complete inspection of the inside of all flight surfaces with the skin removed. Too bad!
  • Lex Brown

    Charlie, I have a friend in Utopia, TX with a 750 flying out of Thunder Creek. Jim Huckins at Zuehl on the east side of San Antonio has a 701 and may know of someone with a 750 there. And there might be one at San Geronimo on the west side--it is EAA Chapter 35 headquarters.

    Charlie - I ended up sort of - upgrading my airplane to a 750 and installing an o-320.

  • Michael W Mallock

    Hello Charlie, i have a deposit on a 170 hp viking engine that i hope will be delivered in March or April of 2017, my 750 STOL is being built directly on Full Lotus floats so i was looking for a bit more hp than most engines provide, everything i have researched regarding Viking has been positive, i'm using an alternative fuel system that Jan helped with, so i was really happy with his help!!

  • Michael W Mallock

    Hello Charlie; i put a deposit down last year during Sun n Fun prior to the engines being ready, since then my work has been crazy busy so i have been pushing the delivery date back. I hope to have the airframe ready for engine mount by mid summer.

    as for availability, Samantha at Viking has kept me updated on the progress, i think the only thing missing is a propeller to handle the 200 hp, and Jan is testing a different  brand as we speak!

  • Conrad Watters

    Charlie, re warp drive prop.
    It has been up to expectation. I am using it with a Rotax 912. I had it tested for balance and found it to be too exact to warrant adjusting. The nickle leading edge is good. It is ground adjustable.
    I have never had any problems with it.
  • Conrad Watters

    Thanks Charlie, it was a great trip through the mountains to the west coast. I am planning a longer trip for this spring...from Ottawa, across to Calgary then up to the Yukon. ( about 8000 miles). The ch 750 is a great aircraft for its mission but certainly 'takes its time' for longer adventures. Conrad
  • Wayne Clagg

    give me a shout if I can be of any help. Stop by and visit sometime if you're ever in the area. 12WV is the identifier at my farm fieled.

  • Wayne Clagg

    It wasn't bad, I filled out the appropriate paperwork and submitted it and it went pretty smooth from there. They look at the coordinates and verify that it wont be a navigation hazard to other airports and such. The only issue I did have was with the lady who made the initial contact via phone, she obviously didn't want to deal with it. I used the garmin in the plane for the lat long coordinates and she was pretty rude about that, wasn't acceptable to her and pretty much called me a dumbass. She changed the numbers to what she said they should be, rounded them off, and now the field shows up across the river a few hundred yards away but its no big deal. I still have the forms and paperwork so when you get ready I'll dig them out so you'll know what you need. 

  • Kyle D. Voltz

    Charlie, I accidentally clicked the ignore button on your message. I think I added you now though.  

    Anyways, I helped with the 750 STOL build but not the Cruzer so I dont think I can weigh in on that part!  Feel free to email me at

  • Terrence "Dr. Terry" Hall

    I appreciate your comment, I attempt to document this unique experience as a novice builder and I continually learn from my mistakes and from others. I have only been at it since first Zenith class in 10/16. But it truly is educational, recreational and of course humbling. My EAA tech advisor told me that at least it keeps him out of the tavern. 

    Terry Hall

  • William C Cooper II

    Charlie, got your note. PM me and I will try to answer your questions about the cooling system
  • Patrick Hoyt

    About 25 hours on the Viking 130 engine at this time.