Larry Winger
  • Tustin, CA
  • United States
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  • Christopher Parker
  • Douglas Kupersmith
  • Mark Gravatt
  • Mike Chekal
  • Andrew Tuberville
  • Brian A Manlove
  • Jerry "Sonny" Webster
  • Brad Rawls
  • Garry Williams
  • Yuri R D
  • Robert Haines
  • William Dominguez
  • Rick Lindstrom
  • Jerold Ebke
  • Richard Vetterli

Larry Winger's Discussions

Instrument panel paint or treatment

Started this discussion. Last reply by Phill Barnes Sep 21, 2011. 9 Replies


Larry Winger's Page

Profile Information

Aircraft Model
Zenith CH 650
Project Status
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No Experience
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Sport Pilot (or Ultralight)
Building and Flying Info / Your Profession / Other Background Info
First flight 10/12/2014. Sold the completed airplane to my hangar mate 2/16/2015. Happy building,everyone!
Home Airport (ie. KMYJ)

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Larry Winger's Blog

Grove main gear - forward or aft?

Posted on May 3, 2009 at 7:41pm 7 Comments

I have my Grove main gear and Zenair gear attachment hardware (with spacer blocks) for my 601XL (now CH 650). Currently I'm trying to determine if I should push the gear toward the front of the gear channel or the rear. Also, If I want the flat side of the gear leg to face fore or aft. I know each decision has bearing on W/B and landing characteristics.

The Matronics list archive is light on this info. Anyone with actual installation experience can really help me out here. BTW, I'm… Continue

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At 5:30am on June 18, 2021, Michael Mccarthy said…


My name is Mr. Michael Mccarthy, I have contacted you before without any response from you. Please replied if you receive this message. I have something very important to discuss with you, I have a vital information to give you. Could you please get back to me on ( ) for full details.

Michael Mccarthy.

At 5:42am on April 28, 2014, Douglas Kupersmith said…

Larry, I saw your 27 April Kitlog entry and wanted to send you my congratulations.  Your dogged persistence in the face of adversity has been a real motivation for me.  Thanks for sharing - and serving as the "Git 'er Done!" poster child for the rest of us!!

At 10:49am on December 16, 2013, Frederick Schutt said…

Hi Larry- From the cold and snowy N.E.

From some of your discussions and kitlog- I have some questions if you will help me.

I'm building a 601 with corvair engine. I picked up my short block from WW - He and Dan W. installed new billet crank, 5th bearing and 2850cc kit. I flew to Fl. and brought engine home in rental car. Question- I'm planning to mount engine on an engine stand and not sure how to do- either have a frame to mount it or use WW motor mount mounted to plywood on the stand- What do you think?  Carb question- I have a Baxter throttle quadrant but he sent me by mistake a reversing model- I was going to modify it until I read your notes on the carb linkage is reversing- ???  One more question on the Grove gear- did you have it gundrilled ? Are your calipers Grove or ZAC -mounted to front or rear?  Hope I haven't bothered you to much!

Thanks-Fred Schutt- Aspers, Pa

At 4:51pm on October 11, 2010, Jerold Ebke said…
Larry, I have not called in a long time. Am trying to fit canopy and am having some concerns with position of rollover tube and how it relates to canopy. Would appreciate tremendously chance to visit and get some measurements from you on how you set up tube and how canopy fit. Thank you in advance.
Jerry Ebke
At 1:33pm on July 31, 2009, Larry Winger said…
Thanks, Brad. That helps me understand the differences I was seeing in various installations. BTW, the 650 plans still call for a dl of 70mm on the side covers, which is the same height as the 601. I guess guys are just adapting without the aid of guidance from the plans. Nothing new there, especially in this area of the project!
At 3:43pm on May 24, 2009, Ted Taylor said…
Hi Larry, It was great talking to Dave and Ken, especially having actually met so few Zodiac builders since I started the project. Here I finally find some close by, now that I'm at the end of my build. I have the DAR coming next week to look at the airworthiness. If that all goes okay, I'll be flying the following week. I'd be glad to have you come by and take a look and have a talk. Lemmie know what's good.
At 12:37pm on May 3, 2009, Jerold Ebke said…
Larry, Cannot imagine how unobservant I am. Saw your posting of attendance at Sun and Fun also after hitting add comment. Jerry
At 12:35pm on May 3, 2009, Jerold Ebke said…
Larry, I am wondering your continued take on the " wing thing". I also have stopped short of closing my left wing to see what transpires from NSTB, FAA and ZAC talks. Have you heard any new info through sources we discussed earlier? I also noticed on your site you do not have wing lockers and I have done everything but cut the hole in the wing skin to install them. Again waiting, but I do not remember seeing anything on reports if any downed planes had them. I am also anxious to visit Z.A. member Bennett Scheuer who attended Sun and Fun and may have heard ZAC presentation and attended builders barbeque because I saw his picture. I'll be interested to get his take on feelings he came away with. I met Bennett at rudder school in Missouri. Best to you. As always jerry in Neberaska.
At 8:18pm on February 23, 2009, Ron Lendon said…

WW tells me the Nose Bowl I have is yours. I am duplicating it as a station buck so I can make one out of metal. As soon as I get er done I will be shipping you the plastic parts.

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