Wendell Ridenour
  • Male
  • Elkhart, IN
  • United States
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  • Robert Moehlenkamp
  • Scott Tyler Bragg
  • David DeAvila
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Wendell Ridenour's Page

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Wendell Ridenour posted a status
"Ray Ridenour Oct 29 2021 now have ADS-b IN now over 1650 hrs on the plane been flying it for 24 yrs thats about 70hrs a year"
Oct 29, 2021

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http://1650 TT
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Private Pilot
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601 HDS jabiru 2200 1030 hrs over 1600 HRS on plane as of 12/9/19 did top end at 1030 hrs on the Jabiru 2200. Found center Ring on all 4 cylinder Frozen , with Carbon . that was the why smoke in cockpit and nobody would fly with me anymore NOW have 1700 hrs on my 601
Home Airport (ie. KMYJ)
kekm elkhart In

2017 I had over 1000 hrs on my engine  DID top OH  on my Jabiru 2200  now have 235 hrs in new top end hrs   in Florida till march and then back in the air we go  for 2018  now its 2020  and only got to fly 7 hrs this hear   last year 2019  got 70 hrs on it

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Comment Wall (9 comments)

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At 1:48pm on March 19, 2022, Mike Brenner said…

Yes I do.

At 5:35am on June 18, 2021, Michael Mccarthy said…


My name is Mr. Michael Mccarthy, I have contacted you before without any response from you. Please replied if you receive this message. I have something very important to discuss with you, I have a vital information to give you. Could you please get back to me on (mmichaelmccarthy4@gmail.com ) for full details.

Michael Mccarthy.

At 1:05pm on February 2, 2013, Larry Hursh said…

Hi Ray,


Glad to hear your weather is warmer than here!  It was 6 degrees last night!! Sure glad the groundhog didn't see his shadow so that means we are going to have an EARLY SPRING! 

I've been cutting on the canopy the last couple of days, trying to get the front part down far enough to get the canopy to the lifting rails so I can anchor it.  I'm taking my time and going little by little.  I should have it pretty well done by next weekend, unless I run into trouble.  Trouble is my middle name of course, right??  LOL


Catch you whenever you get tired of all that warm weather and decide to head back home!!


Later!  :)


At 7:55am on August 8, 2012, Robert Moehlenkamp said…

Hi Ray,


Thanks for the Hoosier Hospitality offer.



At 11:11pm on August 15, 2011, Scott Tyler Bragg said…
Inherited my grand fathers 1993 HDS
At 10:20am on May 13, 2011, David DeAvila said…
Ray, I am back in the States!  I am visiting my daughter in Texas and plan on stopping by the Zenith factory around Wednesday or Thursday next week (18th or 19th).  Maybe sometime in the next few weeks we can plan a small trip.  I am very excited about being home!
At 3:15pm on January 23, 2009, Chuck Long said…
Hi Ray,
Mike Mossman and I were thinking about getting up your way to visit the Beck Speedster plant. That's 20 miles South of South Bend. Waiting for some better weather. Hope you are getting some stick time. Maybe we can stop by during the Beck visit. Probably be on a Saturday.
Clear Skies, Chuck
At 8:38am on January 7, 2009, Larry Hursh said…
Hey Ray, glad you was able to get some stick time in. I know the winds have been really blasting out there most days. I think the Ducks go down to Nappanee for their Christmas dinner if I'm not mistaken. When I first started to learn to fly, I was flying out of Nappanee. The guy that ran the airport there had a 150 I would rent. I eventually had to leave Nappanee because the 150 didn't have a transponder. I was at the point I needed one so we ended up over Goshen. The 152 that sits out over at the Ducks (25608) was one of the planes I would fly....small world. My wife and I went down to Mexico MO about 4 weeks ago and picked up the balance of my plane. I should have everything here now to complete the airframe. I still have a long ways to go. I hope to have it up on its wheels by the end of summer. Keeping my fingers crossed. Later! Larry
At 11:52am on December 31, 2008, Larry Hursh said…
Hello there Mr Ridenour. Hope you get some warmer weather so you can go flying soon!

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