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Sorry Steve. I just logged in after a 5 year absence.
Thanks Steve. The designer indicates an approximate weight of 590 lbs with a Rotax. I Wonder if the specs include any ribs or spars! This is what I'm seeing with good builders such as yourself. In my case, I really want to use the a/c with two up and baggage. I guess I have to keep an eye out for transparent aluminum like the guys in Star Trek use. Thanks again for the info.
Hi Steve, Thanks for the input on buying someone else's a/c. You're not the first to mention this to me. At the moment, my biggest concern is weight. I have looked at several Zenith 601 series and as well some Sonex a/c. Not one of them met the designer's specs for empty weight. The last two, both 601XLb's were over 820 lbs. This makes them essentially a single place when you put more than 20 gallons in the tanks. (rear CG when the fuel burns off). One of these a/c was driven by a Rotax, the other a 3.0L Corvair. Both equipped VFR minimal paint. How did your HD come out in empty weight?
Hi Steve,
Saw your first flight video. Great job! Most folks don't do nearly as good a job as you did in memorializing this fantastic moment.
Steve, I am building a 3.0 WW and Dan Weseman Corvair. Have just run across a 50% complete 601HD built by an aviation sheet metal worker. Great workmanship.
Since you have now flown your HD for awhile, what type of numbers are you getting for cruise? How about stall speed? How did your empty weight turn out?
Might want to build one. Looking for a real "two up", fuel and baggage. So far, not that lucky. Several of the 601XLB's I've asked about are well over 820 lbs essentially making them a single seater.
Thanks for your input,
Doug Eaton