OK folks - I asked this question about 6 months ago and only got one answer. I would think there are several Cruzers flying with the Viking 130 by now, can you all tell us how you have your bird equipped, if it is painted, and what you ended up with for an empty weight.


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Comment by Jan Eggenfellner on July 11, 2017 at 7:57pm

Comment by Donald Lynam on December 10, 2016 at 7:28pm

Well, sort of. It appears a 750 Cruzer with a Viking 130 installed will weight about the same as with an O-200 installed. Again, doing a little guess work, a basic Cruzer (no wheel pants, basic instruments, partial paint, little or no interior) with an O-200 has an empty weight of around 830lbs, so I would expect the same aircraft to weigh the same with the Viking 130. If you add in the extras; nice panel, wheel pants, sliding seats, nice paint work, auto-pilot, better interior finish) you can easily push that up to 900lbs or a bit more. That makes registering it light sport a bit problematic, as you would only have a 420lb usable load including fuel. So you have to make your choices carefully to get the airplane you want to fly. The Cruzer with the Vikiing 130 will outperform almost any other engine configuration from a speed perspective, if that is your goal then take the other stuff off of your wish list or register it with its design max gross which is 1440.

Comment by John Bell on December 10, 2016 at 1:51pm

Did you ever get some info Don?

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