I am at the point of needing to test my fuel tank. I have read where some people have used water, and others have used gasoline.  Any thoughts on this?

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Comment by david shrader on February 28, 2016 at 3:19am
Solvent covers any pinholes that might be missed. Of course a over nite pressure check works
Comment by Carlos Sa on February 27, 2016 at 8:57am

I covered one of the fittings with a balloon (party balloon), plugged all other ports and pressurized the tank a bit, just so the balloon would inflate. I left it like that overnight to see if the balloon would deflate (you have to figure how to measure the balloon size before and after).

The obvious advantage is that there is no mess, no smell and no risk of combustion - and air is less viscose that water or gasoline, so it is more likely to "find" smaller orifices.

Comment by Damon Brantley on February 27, 2016 at 5:54am

I guess I am still confused. Where does the solvent come into play? Is it to check for leaks, cleaning the tank, or something else?

Comment by david shrader on February 27, 2016 at 12:12am
Damon is right.... I pressure tested (extremely low psi). Then let it set overnight with solvent. Now is the best time to check your fuel senders for accuracy. Set the angle of the tank to match wing angle an check. Ajust the float level if nessary. Now is the best time to get the sender right
Comment by Damon Brantley on February 26, 2016 at 8:47pm

I am not to the point of testing my fuel tank, but I thought tanks were pressure tested with air or nitrogen and soap solution to  to indicate where any leaks are.

Comment by david shrader on February 26, 2016 at 7:34pm
I used solvent. Gas is fine too, just be careful.

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