A couple of pics of my engine choice
Found it on barnstormers
Had been looking for a cam100 and found this one with 250 hours on it.
Older Honda civic EW2 engine core - good reliable engines
The 2.4 - 1  PSRU is a really beefy titanium, aluminum, magnesium casting . The PSRU is where auto conversions sometimes fall down, but this is one PSRU design that seems to have no issues. Joined the YAHOO cam100 users group and found that there was virtually no activity on the site. It turns out that no one is having any issues with their engines, and therefore not much to talk about.
Had Archie at Firewall Forward ( The manufacturer ) do a teardown and rebuild the engine and PSRU as needed.
After several hours on the DYNO Archie then pickled it for me as it will be a while before I need it.
His shop also fabricated the engine mount, and Archie has moulds for the lower engine cowling he is willing to lend out when I am ready.
Up side: Reliability, low fuel consumption ( 3.5 GPH on average ) , readily available service parts, great continuing product support from  firewall forward. ( Their facility is a short drive from my house in Toronto )
Downside: A little heavy - all in ( including fluids)  at 262LBS   
Weight aside, I am surprised that this engine never got much traction in the marketplace. Aside from locals in the BC area, and a few others in Canada, there was never a lot mentioned about it.

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