Are any of you guys aware of a permanently mountable camera that could go in the wing or somewhere in the cockpit area.

Requirements would be to shoot extended video times (!hour or so), small, perhaps the lenses potion mountable in the wings or a given location and then wired to hardware in the cockpit. Something along that line!


I could always swipe my wife's hard disk camera but, . . .

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Comment by Richard Simmons on February 10, 2010 at 12:11pm
This is probably worth the $100 to use on the Gold Wing and see how well it really works!
Comment by Jerome T Martin on February 10, 2010 at 9:33am
You can't go wrong with the weather poof light weight ATC3K from Oregon Scientific.
This camera retails for $100 and comes complete with attachment gizmos.
It utilizes the popular SD camera card up to 4GB.
Look on youtube for some demonstrations of the capabilities. I posted one below.
Comment by Craig Payne on January 23, 2010 at 12:14pm
There are lots of small security cams that generate composite video. Not sure on the quality though. As I recall Scott Laughlin mounted a "bullet" cam in the tail of his 601XL. Video here:
Comment by Ken Ryan on January 20, 2010 at 10:21pm
I'll bet if you go here:

Matthew would probably be willing to give you some tips on cameras and mounting.
Comment by Ronald Steele on January 20, 2010 at 4:19pm
This is something I've thought about also. I've made no decisions, but some things to think about:
If possible use a camera with vibration compensation. This makes a huge difference in the quality of the video.
It's better to have nothing in front of the lens, but I'm not sure thats really practical. I don't think there is really room in the landing light bay, but you could have another similar wing opening on the other side.
Could you just run a USB cable out to where the camera is mounted and then record the video on a laptop?
It may be more practical to just mount a lipstick camera with duct tape, when needed. Thats the way this video was made.

What I'd really like to do is mount a camera at the tip of each wing and take high-parallax 3D.
Comment by Jake Reyna on January 20, 2010 at 2:50pm
Comment by Jake Reyna on January 20, 2010 at 2:41pm
Sound like a cool idea. My only thought at this point is to mount in the landing light bay. Not sure if there is any distortion through the lens.

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