I am acquiring an amphibious 701 with Rotax 914 turbo, and constant speed prop. Can't wait to get to know it.


I live on a lake , so water ops are no problem. But, need some advice on possible land ops.

 My property has a 300' stretch that could be used as a strip. Wires at one end will mean one way ops.  25' trees at other end, about 50' beyond threshold.

 I am a 4500 hour, Comml & Inst guy with lots of experience on grass. But zero time in a 701 , and strips this short.

I live on the west coast of Florida, so DA can be a factor.


My question to you experienced guys - Is this doable, safely. Or, am I just a little too far to the " don't do it " side ?


Thanks for any advice you can give. Would love to hear fro,m folks that have really short strips.


buz heuchan


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Comment by Dan Wilde on June 11, 2012 at 9:03pm

I currently operate from my home where I have a 900' strip with 30' trees on the south end and 50' on the north end.  I land to the north towards where the tallest trees loom.   The longest landing I have made used 700' of runway which to me did not make me very comfortable.  This was on a hot day with slight downwind breeze and I was a little high and fast over the south trees.  I believe and use the information at the acomodata web site.  If you follow his guidelines, I think you will be fine.  Liftoff in 150' is easy without doing anything radical.   Liftoff in a short field and climbing over tall obstacles with no bailout would be dangerous in my opinion.

Comment by Jock Struthers on June 3, 2012 at 8:43am

Niol Lockington's well researched handling notes are my bible - take a look at this http://www.acomodata.com/zenair701/  300ft/100m with those obstacles - not for me and my 701! 

Niol considers - and I copy - as follows: In my humble opinion any strip with a fence at each end less than 200 m long requires the pilot to be well versed with the STOL capabilites of the 701 and I believe it’s absolute minimum length, in still air, fenced at both ends, level, at sea level and moderate temperatures is 100m with no margin for error.

Comment by Dan Stanton on May 29, 2012 at 7:54pm

I think that you are a bit on the wrong side of landing. Just MAYBE enough room for a take off.

Once you look at it from the air, you will change your mind.



Comment by buz heuchan on May 29, 2012 at 10:10am

Thanks Mike.

  Just was dreaming !!

Comment by Mike Hammond on May 29, 2012 at 9:49am

300 feet?   You need a helicopter!

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