The way things work.....went to shut down the engine after the airshow and it didn't want to stop! Had to pull the throttle all the way closed and pull the choke.

Investigations shows a malfunctioning ignition switch, very intermittent, sometime it will ground out both mags and sometimes only the left mag leaving the right one active. Pulled the switch and made some adjustments, seems to work ok for now but have ordered a new one and will install it as soon as it arrives.

Remainder of the pre flight plans are progressing well, arrangements are being made for an updated weight and balance, test protocol for the ELT is being arranged and as soon as we have the new ignition switch installed we will go on with ground testing and taxi tests. I have learned to be patient over the last ten years and that if something is to go wrong...BE PREPARED! will spend some time in the cockpit getting more amiliar with the EFIS and the GPS as well as the radios.

Don't like the sounds comming from the FAA regarding ADBS as it looks like it will be expensive on top of the new ELT.

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Comment by Bob Pustell on June 7, 2010 at 9:30pm
Hopefully, the ADSB will get developed and mature enough to have the costs drop to something resembling sane before the mandate comes. I would certainly recommend NOT being the first kid on the block to have one. The first units will be grossly expensive and most likely not turn out to be the best unit to have, once the learning curve has been climbed for a while.

The above has already started to happen with the 406 ELT's, prices are less awful than they were and the units are getting better. Ditto for mode S transponders, a bit, it seems. I hope..........
Comment by Jonathan Porter on June 7, 2010 at 6:48am
How about shutting off the fuel and waiting a few minutes?! When we do our static tests on a new engine, we only put in a couple of litres of fuel for the first start up - so that if, for whatever reasoning, the mags dont kill the engine and other things go awry we are not struggling to shut down.

It is a timely reminder that when checking the mags - make sure you get a drop - and a recovery.... we had a dodgy mag switch - and it got overlooked because on the first check the drop was not there - cycling the switch several times solved that one (and then a new switch)...

Oh, the joys of flying and the surprises thereof!!!

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