Got my buddy Jamie over today to help with the solid rivets on the elevator trailing edge. I thought they were going to be hard to do but not so. It was pretty easy with the both of us, I held everything in place, straight and level and Jamie whacked the rivet setting tool with a 2 lb. ball peen hammer and it worked just fine. I even drilled one out and that was a piece of cake too. I only have one question. I accidently drilled three holes 1/8" instead of 3/32", how much should I cut off of a 1/8" rivet to make it work? The skins are only .016 you know.

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Comment by Chumphol Sirinavin on December 27, 2009 at 11:15am
I see that some just pulled blind A-4 Avex rivets in such a place
Comment by Robert Crawford on December 15, 2009 at 9:20pm
Thanks guys, I will do a few practice rivets on the .016 skin with the 1/8" rivets before I finish those last 3 holes.
Comment by Robert McNaught on December 15, 2009 at 8:36pm
1/8" sticking out is all you need for this thin of material, normially it would be a dia. and a half.
Comment by Jake Reyna on December 14, 2009 at 8:18am
I don't think you need to cut off any rivet material before bucking, if that's what you mean. As long as you can set the solid rivet and there are no clearance issues, it should be okie dokie. We'll see what others have to say.

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