While waiting for some extra hands to stow my left wing I decided to polish a section. After cleaning it with mineral spirits I went over it with Nuvite F9 and it REALLY brought out some hand prints that I didn't see before. I went over it again with F9 and the prints are still there. Anybody got a solution.

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Comment by Gary Ray on July 4, 2011 at 6:46pm

Try this on a flat test sample first.  It might be too aggressive and create a bigger problem.


Comment by Robert Crawford on June 29, 2011 at 8:30pm
Thanks Gary, I purchased an orbital sander and ordered some 3M Scotch-Brite pads after talking to a tech at 3M. I'm going to do a sanding with the pads then hit it with the Nuvite. I got my wing put in the wing stand/cradle now I can start my right wing so the polishing will be mostly when I run out of something else to do but I will make a post when I get the pads and do a test.
Comment by Gary Ray on June 28, 2011 at 5:57pm
I have polished my aircraft with Nuvite using several grades.  I would try a finer grade on the problem spots to see if the surface defect is smaller than the F9 is capable of working into.  Perhaps C grade.  It is fairly aggressive but works on much finer imperfections.  In fact a pass with C grade compounded then a random orbit pass may be as far as you need to go to get a very satisfactory finished result.  My method was "C7" compounded, "C7" random orbit, "C" compounded, "C" random orbit, "S" random orbit.  I did not find the "C9"  or "C6" very useful as they seemed to give up to fast.

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