Zenith 750 Cruzer, An error when drilled the bottom spar

January 5, 2024

I made an error when drilling the bottom spar. While drilling the skin moved a bit. Because of this all holes in the spar look ugly.
I suspect it happend bacause I tried to use cleco #40. Instead I probably had to drill #40 and immadiately #30. I was not able to set cleco #40 firmly. Cleco #30 was set hard without any problem.
Because of some reasons it took me a very long time to contact Zenith and ask what options I have to fix my error.
It looks like I am not the first one who made this mistake. Roger replied almost immediately.
I have to set rivets in the bad holes but in addition I have to drill additional holes between the current ones and set the second set of rivets along all the spar.
I also can set the second rivet set on the left wing so both wings look the same. It is puerly cosmetic. I can pretend I set the rivets on purpose instead of fixing my error.

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