May 13, 2024

Clecoed the top skin. Have several questions about the L angles.
All predrilled holes are good. Everything clecoed as expected. It means I identifued the parts correctly.
The angle C75F20-1 seems too long. Its corners touch the top longeron. Because of this the fit between the L angle and the longeron is not tight. Should I trim 1-2 mm from each end of the L angle C75F20-1?
The angle C75F20-2 has a notch. What is this notch for? The L angle seems too short. There is a big gap between it and C75F20-3. Such gaps are not common in the kit.
The angle C75F20-4 seems too long. Its end goes under C75F20-5. Should I clip the end so the two L angles do not interfere?
The angle C75F20-6 has a notch. What is this notch for? The L angle has 2 extra holes. I cannot find these holes on the drawings. What are these holes for?
Zenith's answer on all the questions above - they are just stiffeners, not a big deal, trim as you believe is right. The extra holes do not matter.

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