Hope this helps some of you kit builders. Have to admit it took me a few hours of scotchbriting until finally, I now know how to remove those stubborn paper labels from the aluminium parts... 


1. spray label with a little WD-40,

2. wait a couple of minutes till it soaks in, then

3. scrape label off using scrap aluminium extrusion.


No scratches, as the tool is the same hardness as the part!  Remember to degrease when done.

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Doesn't the WD-40 have silicone in it? Aluminum is rather porous ... I wouldn't use any silicone where I might ever eventually apply paint - fine to use it elsewhere. The degreaser may get it, but I've heard you can't bet on it.


I've found two methods:


A heat gun works great - gently heat and it peels right off.


Soak the label with acetone for few seconds, it'll usually peel off with minimal, if any adhesive residue.




thanks for the replies, everyone!    I should have pointed out that some of my labels are over 15 years old, so the glue is really tough - the heatgun method needs such a long time that the heat treatment of the parts could be affected, and it's ok John, there is no silicone in WD-40.    My problem with acetone and thinners is I find some solvents give me a real headache!

We used Lacquer Thinner at the Rudder Workshop.  I used it ever since.


- Pat

I like acetone plus a plastic putty knife.
Wet the label with rubbing alcohol, let sit for 2 min, and it peals right off. A little on a rag after and the glue will wipe right off as well.


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