Everything we said it would be, it has turned out to be. The Viking Honda based engine has become the #1 aircraft engine of choice for all sport aircraft builders with over 25 orders at Air Venture Alone. 



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It is a HONDA after all   !!  and at that price.....it will attract homebuilders for sure. 

The only point people will be hesitating  is "it's an auto conversion" . The press always state that fact as a non-proven engine  for an aircraft regardless if engines like  corvair, subaru, honda etc have great track records in automobiles.


Perception is everything!   but the price is certainly attractive compared to other engines like Rotax, Ul Power, Lycoming etc


My opinion.


Well, the perception has been proven to be wrong. Only fools would spend twice the money on half the technology. The Viking is an Aircraft Engine. It is not some kind of "conversion" It has internals built by Honda. Other "Light Sport Aircraft Engines" have internals from GM or 2 stroke technology, using pressed together cranks, etc. Honda is the #1 creater of extreme engine reliability. The Viking engine is based on Formula F racing parts. The best there is. Nobody can do better. The Viking is a true aircraft engine. It has a Honda core, with all aircraft design around it. Other "so called sport aircraft engines" have home made cylinders, air cooling and complex intake and exhaust systems. The Viking is the least expensive, clean,  inline 4 cylinder design ever offered to the aviation community. Nothing can get close on price, quality, completeness, customer service or ease of installation / operation.  The Viking is the future of aviation and will fly in over 1,000 airplanes by 2015.  OEM sales have already started at companies such as KitFox and SeaRey and their sales are increasing due to the overall sucess and low cost of the Viking engine.  The insanely low, Air Venture,  firewall forward cost of only $11,900 ends this weekend, leaving Viking with over 50 engines to build in 4 months. 



So a year and a half later, how close are you to "1,000" vikings flying?

It is so nice to dream that maybe, just maybe, we could help the industry get back on it's feet :)  I know, it is a lot of work.  But, I think we can do it.  It will require customers like Vernon Knott, Dan Stanton, Bobby Jackson, Ron Russ, Jan Eggenfellner and others.  These people fly the Viking all the time.  Put hours of their own time and effort to perfect the Viking Honda design.  Selfless contributions to the love of sport aviation.  All for the purpose of helping the community with a lesser expensive  better quality and far more refined engine than what the air cooled crowd can provide. 

Viking Aircraft Engines

I wasn't knocking your engine Jan. I'm convinced it's a great engine. Just stating what uninformed people are saying.

Maybe an article explaining exactly what the VIKING engine is all about, the technology, etc... it would help to demistify the "auto conversion" issue that clearly the HF-110 doesn't belong to.

Congratulations on your growing success withthe Viking HF-110. The more different types of  aircraft to be seen flying with a Viking engine accompamied by user testimonial will go a long way.

Zenair seem to be covering  the UL-power much more than  the Rotax, jabiru and O-200. Would they eventually OEm the Viking HF-110?


All I can say the HF-110 looks like a serious option for the Zenair 750.



Thank you. The Viking or the 912/914 are the only options for the 750. Anyone familiar with aviation know that you can not turn a tiny propeller at 3300 and get any thrust for a bush type airplane. Large / slower turning propellers with gobs of torque is where it is at. Now, since the 912 is much more expensive to buy / operate / maintain / carbureted / air cooled / push rod engine, it makes more sense to use an inline 4 cylinder Honda with more power, fuel injection, dual systems, liquid cooling and complete firewall package at half the cost. 




Hey Andre

Seems to me some time back that I had mentioned something about this engine to you... nice to see something new in an aircraft engine that will not break the bank!  That engine cost is actually less then the 750 kit... amazing... not twice as much, like the Rotax!


For that kind of price it has to be a serious contender... now along with the quality of Honda racing!

May have to sell my Porsche engine...


"Only fools would spend twice the money on half the technology."


"The Viking Honda based engine has become the #1 aircraft engine of choice for all sport aircraft builders"


Statements like this will keep many of us away. I wish you the best but your reputation is the biggest hurdle to your success. I am no fool and have done EXTENSIVE research on every engine available for my plane and nothing with your name attached will ever swing my prop.

And then we have those that think there is good and bad. Some decide to view the positive side of history. See the bottom of http://www.vikingaircraftengines.com/contact/Contacts.html for success stories. Not saying I never made some mistakes, just that I have had plenty of good.

The statement of the Viking being the replacement engine for most light sport planes is highlighted in this poll: (top of the page) http://www.vikingaircraftengines.com/news/News.html

Unfortunately, if you hate me or not, the expertise I have built through the years will now be to the benefit of hundreds of aircraft enthusiasts.

I have never made much money on all these years of making engines. The Viking is no exception, it is expensive undertaking to build it. Your remark is insulting in some ways, if you had any idea of hard I work.

However, you are free to spend any money you would like on your engine. We believe the mass production of aircraft engines will save the industry.




I have to agree with you.  I've seen other threads making statements such as Tim's and have not found any substantial reason they would say that.  While I have not yet purchased my kit or engine, I can tell you this...I have helped hang a Viking and I loved it from the moment I helped take it out of the box.  It is a beautiful piece of equipment and is reasonably priced (still wish it were less, but oh well).  I'm toying with which kit to plunge into...the 750 Cruizer or the Sonex.  One of the things making it hard is that Viking is only available for one of them as a FWF.  Any chance of that?


Tim - I see no insult in your comment. It does take ALOT of investment AND hard work to make an endeavor like this a reality. I salute Jan for his efforts and giving builders a choice. However, "only fools" and "#1 aircraft engine of choice" statements will be viewed more in negative light than positive. The statistical data on the "#1 aircraft engine of choice" is hardly a industry standard. I think most people view it as if an engine has out sold Rotax for any length of time one may be able to work their way to making a statement like that one. There are many critiera when making an engine choice; for some folks it goes beyond cost.

And yes, I agree. Don't read deeply into the "fools" comment. It was only meant as a reference to the notion that we truly believe we have something great here. Not as an insult to anyone. Sorry about that.  Obviously we have solid competition and there are other good engines




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