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Anybody that is running a Lycoming 0235 in your Zodiac, are you running a oil cooler. I am installing a Lyc 0235 in my 601 HDS and don't know if I need a oil cooler. My engine came out of a Gruman Yanke and I don't think it had a oil cooler. I want to save all the weight I can.
any info would be appreciated.
I have the o-235-c2c firewall forward from an AA1B, ie, exhaust, starter, alternator, prop, etc. no oil cooler.
Temps stay in the green, oil temp around 175, cht's around 325. I have put 23 hours on it so far this summer with 2 more
to complete phase 1.
Thanks for yor reply. I have been flying the HDS for 8 years with a Subaru. When first began flying the Sub it ran hot. Had to keep changing and mofifying things untill it ran cool. All thr mods caused the HDS to gain 25 lbs, The Sub never let me down but is loosing compression so now am swaping over to the Lyc. C2C. After removing the Sub I weighed the plane without the firewall forward, the Sub was 317 lbs total with everything,Rads and coolant, 2 oil coolers, dual igination and all hoses other small parts associated with the Sub.
My goal is to get the Lyc installed at the same or lighter than the Sub. I have installed a lite wgt starter, lite alternator and made a new cowl out of carbon fiber. so far it looks very promising. Not having am oil cooler will save me 4 - 5 lbs.
What kind of performance are you getting out of your Lyc Zodiac?
Thanks again for the info.
Give me a call any time.
810 629 8237
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