Hi Zenith flyers looking for some good or bad info about installing a 2200 jabiru in my 701 do they give good stol perfomace even thinking of 582 

cheers Phil from oz

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Jabiru 2200 is a very poor engine choice. Go with Rotax 912 80 hp (burns 15 L / hr low test gas) or Rotax 912S 100 hp (burns 18 L / hr high test gas).

Hi Bob would like to no why a Jab motor is a bad choice for my 701 have  herd of  cooling probs and prop size. cheers Phil

Hi Rob/Phil.

Just interested why you believe the Jabiru 2200 is a bay choice for the 701?


pretty much any engine meeting the required hp and installed weight range in the 701 gives good STOL performance. 

you will be aware the 701 is a landing limited airplane so if you can safely get into a place you can safely depart.

lecture over, for the record I have the 2200 installed new in 2004 and it does the job just fine.

there were many negative comments from people around me at that time, including ZAC themselves. I see they have all got behind it now since the installation got promoted by JabUSA and the youtube videos became popular.

For sure if you give me $30,000 I will use a different engine. Also a lot has changed about Jabiru since I got mine and its not all good. might even pay to wait for the "announcements" due on these.

 532 / 582 powers the 701 adequately too for the 960 gross version but as most of us want more extras and paint on the aircraft and more baggage I reckon 80 hp is the minimum. There is the Hirth F30 if you want grenade class power up front.


Hi Phil over the ditch, every motor has good and bad points. My CH701 has jabiru 2200 and seems to be going very well after few hickups. It is easy to work on and very simple compared to Rotex.

Thanks for the feedback to all .I learnt to fly in a Jab and fly the club Jab  weekly great little  low cost plane We have an L2 in our club that is a wiz with the Jab motors he has sorted most probs with the six and four cylinders.

cheers Phil 


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