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I am going to be assembling my fuselage of my 750 and would like opinions on what DVDs are being used and where to get them
I have the HomeBuilt Fuselage DVDs and find them invaluable as they seem to find really good ways to do things that would otherwise be a lot more difficult. In particular their way of drilling into the longerons was real helpful, as is the way they drill into the side skins for assembly.
However, the DVDs are Edition 1 and there are changes from Editions 2 and 3 so you really need to watch them with the photo manuals to spot the changes.
But mostly I really like their tips for getting the steps done and in the video they combine both fuse and control kits in a way that requires much less work than if you do all the fuse first and then start taking things apart for the controls.
Ditto on the homebuilthelp DVD's they saved me a TON of figuring and simplified things greatly!!!
Bruce - Just a caution if you don't already know! On the HomeBuiltHelp DVD's, the mixer bearings and supports in the rear fuselage are installed upside down in the video. The commentator remarks "that the bolts act as stops." This is not correct! I stumbled across a thread about this on this forum just before it was too late!
Also, (although not related to the fuselage!) the method shown in the DVD for setting the trailing edge-to-flaperon support bracket distance is not the correct method!
They are excellent videos in general, but it irks me a bit that no effort was ever made (that I'm aware of) to issue corrections. I wish the moderator of this forum would put a "sticky" at the top of the forums with all these common errors or "gotchas" listed.
Ooh I didn't know that, glad you said that before I get to mine (mixer bearings).
I did notice last night while reviewing the video that he has the l-angle that attaches to the bearing support round the wrong way, flange should be up against the support. (This being from the manual, I don't have the plans handy so it could be that the manual is wrong....) This one probably a bit less important than the other though.
Yes, it would be nice if we could create a stickie somewhere that had a list of the errors.
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