This is a request to all builders to nominate already existing Topics within your model-specific forum (STOL CH701, STOL CH750, STOL CH801, CH 601/650 and Zenair Floats) for inclusion in the following list. Topics concerning common errors, corrections to supplemental sources (i.e., HomebuiltHelp DVD's, etc.), customization and modifications and any other topic that is of general interest for that model would be likely candidates. You may simply respond to this thread with the Topic name (and a link would be helpful!) or message me. I don't think we need to address Zenith plans corrections as they are numerous and Zenith publishes updates and corrections.

If you would like to see a new Topic, simply go to the appropriate forum and post your Topic and solicit comments from others.


John Moderator






CH 601/650:

Zenair Floats:

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Hi John!  Congrats on your being "volunteered" to the Moderator position!  I know you will do a great job.  I don't fully understand the changes being implemented, but will try to work with them.  I'll be posting something in the next day or so; please forgive if it's not done in the manner desired.  I'll be watching the evolution of the changes and hope to catch on as time goes on.  Frank


Nothing has really changed. Sebastien just wanted an active forum participant to help out. I have some limited editing ability, so watch your language and play nice! JUST KIDDING! HaHa!

Just post your topics in the appropriate forums as usual. If you write or see a topic that you think really ought to be permanently featured so it won't be missed, just post it here in a reply (with a link, if possible). Most of those will then be added to the model-specific list (above). That way, we'll have a central source for links to the "good stuff!"




Here are two topics that i personally would like to hear people's comments and or experiences:

Fore the CH750

1) Slats or no-Slats.....   what are the pro's and con's

2) The right prop for O-200 (2 blades or 3 blades)  wood or composite.

Thanks John and good luck will be very helpful.


I'm sorry if I was not clear ... I'm not soliciting potential topic subjects, rather, I'm soliciting existing topics in the forums.

If you want start a topic on one of your subjects of interest, then just go ahead and post it in the appropriate forum and solicit comments. Once it has been established and you or others feel it is of sufficient interest to be made a "sticky" or featured topic, we'll put it on the list.

There are some slats vs no slats topics in the 750 forum - just search for them.

Again, I apologize if I wasn't clear.


John Moderator

I would like to start a conversion on the "No Slot Flaperon" mod for the 801's... They also work for the 701's and the 750 too....  gets rid of that UGLY banana slot, keeps out bugs, rain, snow and makes the plane look ALOT better..........


Yeah... I am biased..<GG>


Ben Haas



Just go to the 801 forum or Open forum if you intend to discuss several models, post your new Topic and solicit comments!


John Moderator

2nd Beanie mod


Can you either give the exact Topic title and in which forum it is posted or better yet, give me a link? I didn't find a topic exactly titled "2nd Beanie Mod" when I searched. I didn't know if you meant some further mod of 701's, or 2nd Ed 750, etc???


John Moderator

John, here is the link to Joe Spencer's Beanie Mod:

Definitely worthy of a sticky!

Thanks, Joe - that appears to be the one that I already have linked in the list of Model Specific Topics at the top of this thread. So far, the website software hasn't been modified so I can make it a sticky in the 701 Forum itself, so putting it on the list, which is a "sticky" in the Open Forum, is the best I can do for now.

John Moderator

John, I would like to start a topic on...Ha Ha! Just kidding!

How about a real photo assembly manual just for the 650?


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