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From AvWeb today:
Cessna CEO Scott Ernest told aviation media at NBAA 2013 in Las Vegas the company's made-in-China S-LSA Skycatcher has "no future" but he didn't have much to say about it other than that. His answers were also short when he was asked about the progress of the diesel-powered Cessna TurboSkylane JT-A following the test article's off-airport landing earlier this year. Asked specifically about the Skycatcher, Ernest responded "There's no future for the SkyCatcher." When asked if the company was ending production of the LSA, Ernest answered by repeating, "there's no future."
If you were intending to finish and fly your plane in the near future and needed it to be LSA-compliant so you could fly without a medical, you'd have to certify at 1320.. If at a later date the feds abandon the 3rd class medical, you could always increase the gross weight on an Ed. 2 or Ed. 3 to 1440, put the plane back into Phase I for 5 hrs, and it would be perfectly legal to then fly at 1440 max gross wt.
The converse, of course, is not true. You can't certify at greater than 1320 and then later decrease the max gross wt to 1320 or less to make it LSA compliant. The plane has to originally and continually be certified at 1320 or less.
It looks like room in the market just opened up for a a variant of the 750 S-LSA.
Hang an O-200 or O-235 up front, change the doors to hinge on the front and a few other minor things to make it "flight school friendly"...
"With the abandonment of the 3rd class medical coming soon, LSA will evaporate."
Chris, I haven't heard of this late-breaking news. Just curious, what day soon is this going to happen, and what was the source of that info?
I do remember waiting years for the FAA to make the rules for the sport pilot cert. as I stayed a student pilot till they finished, not going to wait for them to make a decision again.
The main reason for the LSA was to fix the problem with having heavy and two seat ultralights. Which was a problem that the FAA caused to get flight training in an ultralight. Now the have done away with that and people are back to the way it was in the early 80's you can't get instruction in an ultralight with out breaking the rules. They say you need a LOD on your two seat Elsa (which was a two seat ultralight till they changed the rules) but they are not wanting to issue the LOD to too many people (sometimes only one per state per category).
Don't forget that the parts all have to be certificated (FAA-PMA) on that GA fleet. You can't just build a new spar or flap from scratch.
(As the unknowing and willing passenger still needs some level of protection from unskilled repairs being done.)
That is what hey have now they call it A&P and or IA. I went to school for the A&P and can tell you there were people in that class that I would not let work on my lawn mower and they wanted to work for an airline company, most of them didn't make it thru luckily. I don't want to get into a 172 that was flipped over and then rebuilt by someone that didn't know the difference from one alloy to another (6061, 2024, 5052, 7075, 1100) let alone the heat treating conditions. AT least when they get into a 750 or any other EAB it is required to say EXPERIMENTAL in big letters where they can see them so they know what they are literally getting into.
Well that is my 2 cent worth. Thanks for putting up with me.
Paul Zenith 750 O-235
3rd class medical goes to drivers license.
Any info on this, I'm not sure what it is?
Last thing I read was that in April this year, AOPA and EAA met with Huerta (FAA) and was either told or given the impression that the driver's license medical "wasn't a priority" of the FAA. In government-speak, that means they'll get around to it by the next ice age.
So this is confusing to me, cant you get a LSA license now with a drivers license? So what is a 3rd class and how would it be any different?
Yes you can get a Light Sport ticket by self-certifying your medical condition. A medical certificate is required for a Private Pilot ticket (or higher). With a Light Sport ticket, you must adhere to the Light Sport rules, including flying only aircraft that meet the Light Sport criteria.
One example is the gross weight limit of 1320 pounds. If you will be flying under the Light Sport rules, you would have to certify your airplane at 1320 (because that's the rule). If you will be flying under the Private Pilot (or higher) rules, you can certify your airplane at 1440 (because that's the structural limit).
EAA has been lobbying FAA to do away with the 3rd Class Medical Certification, arguing that self-certification makes more sense. So far FAA has not ruled on the request. As far as I know, they have given no indication of when or how they will rule.
Sorry if I am being dense here but what is a 3rd class Med cert? And by doing away with it would that not just make it the same as a LSA license?
I think Ken's explanation pretty well lays it out. What all the hoo-rah is about is this:
Just my $.02 worth!
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