I had a couple of sunshade clips riveted to the main spar carry-through tube that I wanted to remove. (I had since installed static-cling tinting film to the inside of the top window and liked it better than the mesh shade.) The clips needed to be removed to prevent scratching my Rosen sunvisors when they are folded back and tucked up against the spar carry-through tubing.

Of course, removal meant leaving some unsightly holes in the tubing. I figured I could always cover them with some sort of decal or something (not wanting to have to fill and paint them!), but then it occurred to me, "Why not improve safety at the same time?"

I ordered a 3' length of Jeg's roll bar padding and stuck it to tubing. (It came with an acrylic adhesive but it didn't seem to stick very well, so I used some 3M double-stick emblem mounting tape, which worked well.) The padding covers all but about an inch of the tubing on each end, is almost weightless, and has a smooth black finish that goes well with the rest of my interior. It presents a smooth surface to the Rosen visors, so no danger of scratching them, and could make a significant difference in a crash situation if you struck the tubing!



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This is so Edition 2.  I would cut out the diagonal tubing rather than than dressing it up in leather and call it a safety feature. -- just my 2c.


Looks like you completely misunderstood/misinterpreted the text and photo:

  1. When I said "roll bar padding," this is not a cosmetic cover but rather "real"  roll bar safety padding: NHRA (National Hot Rod Assoc.)/SFI-approved (SFI Safety Foundation) spec 45.1, high density/burn certified foam, not something "dressed up in leather."
  2. It's applied to the main spar carry-through tubing, (read the title of topic), not the diagonal tubing.

But, you're absolutely correct on one thing: it IS an edition 2 fuselage/cabin frame ... attached to a completed and flying airframe with 200+ hrs of flight time. Flying the 750 is a blast!


Hey!! That's so Kim Kardashian to knock my Edition1-2. 

Actually, I'm glad I didn't go the cutting it out route. I did the beanie mod, and kept the diagonal. Personal preference only, but I don't like my headsets cluttering the front, or reaching behind me to find them in the back, so the diagonal is a perfect spot for a headset hook that is between us and easily used. I always found myself buckled in and then trying to reach behind me for my headsets, I wasn't fast enough to figure that one out. 

With the beanie mod, I also find that diagonal piece a great handle to adjust myself in the seat, to get in or out (you cannot put a lot of weight on it, it's not designed for that) and I even catch myself hanging my hand on it for no apparent reason. I'm actually glad I kept it and didn't go through the hassle of taking it out. And I did wrap it in leather, to go with my shoes…….

Walt Snyder

John does point out padding as a safety feature, and all of us that have been in an upset or had a Jeep roll can vouch it does cross your mind, mostly the split second before it hits the fan. As always, there are trade offs. Check out the video below if you think you're nice and belted in and it won't matter. Watch the pilot in slow motion. 

Walt Snyder



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