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When completing the rudder I kept the edge of the nose skin under the trailing skin edge. The plans did not state that it should have been done the other way around. I have seen it done both ways looking at others. Will it produce enough drag to warrant drilling out all rivets and correcting this. Any advice on this. Thanks
I once was asking Caleb about another joint and whether the skin should overlap to the aft, mentioning more drag if done the other way. Caleb pretty much laughed at me and said that the 750 is such a high drag airframe that it really didn't matter! Of course, where possible, I overlapped with the forward skin over the aft skin - certainly "looks" aerodynamic and as a practical matter might keep a little water out of the joint when flying through light precip.
I really wouldn't worry about it!
Hi David, I found reading the construction standards useful as it has this very type of information and quite alot more very useful info that obviously doesnt appear on the plans, but is at times assumed you would know this info from having consulted the contruction standards section/booklet.
Happy building, its almost like serving an apprenticeship!!
That is basics. On the bright side, you will learn how to drill out rivets. It will not be the last time. -- Peter
I did the same thing and was also told that it didn't matter. But it bothered me so I fixed it. The whole fix job was very easy and took about two hours.
Thanks for the advice, will correct the mistake, have to order a few more rivets from Zenith first. I'm quickly learning it is important to keep rivets on hand.
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