I am very close to finishing my pilot operating handbook but have a question for those of you who have written your own already, I am loosely following the format by Cessna and there is a chapter labeled placards, has anybody else dedicated to chapter to placards and labels found in the aircraft? Or is my anal rettentiveness getting the better of me?

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A POH is not required for an EAB aircraft, therefore, you're free to put anything in it you wish as there are no regulations to limit you!



The inspector of my aircraft told me any "Single Engine Land" pilot should be to sit behind the controls of your airplane and be able to read and understand the label attached to any feature in the cockpit and be able to back that up in the POH.

One quick clarification: The requirement for a POH is based on the operating limitations given you on inspection. There are variations between DARs and FAA officials. Having one ready is cheap insurance against getting denied a certificate based on paperwork.

One other note: Even if a POH is not required by your operating limitations, the exercise of making the POH is a great way of making sure you know the procedures for your plane.

Making a POH is a pretty big effort, and you have to do it when all you want to do is get your new bird up in the air.

My POH is free to use and modify. Take anything you find useful.


One quick clarification: The requirement for a POH is based on the operating limitations given you on inspection. There are variations between DARs and FAA officials. Having one ready is cheap insurance against getting denied a certificate based on paperwork.

DAR's and FAA officials are not perfect. I'm afraid there are numerous examples of "requirements" by DAR's and the FAA that simply are not backed up by regulation. For instance, before I started my build I was personally told by a FAA FSDO inspector that there was an Airworthiness Directive on the 750's wing "and I would have to fix that wing!" Obviously, that was wrong on two counts - EAB's don't have AD's issued against them and he was probably thinking of the wing problem on the Zenith 601 series! But, when dealing with a federal bureaucrat that doesn't know what he's talking about, the simplest thing was to say," Yes sir, I'm aware of that problem and I'll see that it's fixed!" Well, since the problem didn't apply to the 750, I guess you can say I instantly took care of it!  ;>)

All that being said, if I was erroneously told a POH was "required," it would probably be easier to make one rather than suffer an argument, particularly with the FAA. In an emergency situation, however, an emergency procedure checklist would be far more practical than thumbing through a comprehensive manual.

That's also why I have a bias towards DAR's. They're usually more reasonable and many have been in your shoes! Also, when lining-up a DAR, a simple pre-inspection phone call will go a long ways as to clarifying exactly what documentation, placards, etc. that they expect to see at the time of certification. In fact, my DAR told me not to do any paperwork beyond the W&B as he'd rather fill it out himself so it would sail through the FAA! When you plan ahead and work with your DAR, it helps tremendously and avoids last-minute "gotcha's."


I'll echo what John said, you will find some DARS that have some quirks that are not in line with regulation, and you pick your battles. On two other planes a POH was not even brought up, but one DAR who  was not assigned yet did a "pre inspection"  and told me my antenna lead did not have the correct certification number on it. I could have pointed out that I could have coat hanger wire as a lead if I wanted to, but I politely  thanked him for his time, and went with someone else. 

For me, having my very competent and knowledgeable DAR inspect my aircraft was probably one of the most learning experiences of my build. He shared quite a bit of what he has seen as possible issues in aircraft builds and certifications, gave some excellent tips and ideas, and really gave me an inside peek into the FAA and it's approach to experimental. He really represented DAR's and the FAA well, and there's others out there like him, just ask around.

Walt Snyder 

John, Walt, and crew,

My DAR in Arizona was pretty good, if expensive. I had to revise the paperwork several times, including putting a check mark in that I had left out. Now I need to find a good one in the San Diego area, and I'm told that I must contact the San Diego FSDO to get a new flight test area, even if I don't do any more testing. I probably will, however, as I'm thinking of removing the slats and adding vg's, then doing a new W & B. Will five hours of flight testing be required, or more? I'm a good 90 percent sure I can handle it, but I'd rather be safe than sorry, so I'm following my advisor's advice. I figure if I can get to the point of solo in the Champ and the 172, I should be ok in the 750, especially with a safety pilot for the first few/several hours. My Champ instructor is older than I am, and says he'll fly with me--just not instruct. He's an old military test pilot.

If y'all want to email me, please use my wife's email; mine is still defunct. John, if you email me through my wife, please copy Walt so he will have that address.


PS: I found a local mechanic who will probably work on the engine this week; hope to be flying soon after that, once I resolve the radio/intercom situation. Am taking some dual in a Champ Tuesday, and will take some more dual in a 172 later in the week. My AZ advisor/test pilot has suggested that I get more proficient before flying the 750, and even then thinks I should always have a well-qualified pilot with me any time I fly. I believe he got spooked by flying it in some bumpy air; he says it WILL bite me if I'm not on top of it every second (Well, yes . . . isn't that the way it's supposed to be?). I suspect he thinks I am too old. What does my TN advisor think about the age issue in my case? I feel 25, especially in an airplane, but mirror's don't lie, and I don't want to lie to myself.

Anybody care to share their POH file for their 750 and/or emergency procedures checklist?


". . . anal retentiveness . . ." I reckon I resemble that remark!



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