I did a preflight on the 4th of July before flying to a fly-in breakfast and found some "chaffing" on the upper elevator cable, just ahead of the Nicopress clamp. The cable loops around a shackle and the cutoff end appears to be catching on elevator if I pull full aft stick. This cable had been wrapped with tape, but apparently, it needs more protection. Had an A&P look and he suggested some shrink wrap. Just wanted to pass this along.

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I used heat shrink on my cables and it has held up well so far at 2 years and 240+ hrs. As I recall, I put a smaller sleeve on the free end of the cable to keep it from fraying and then slipped another sleeve over the both cables to pull the free end against the working cable.

I noticed my elevator cable just "kissed" the HT spar when full aft stick was pulled. With Caleb's blessing, I protected the area with a piece of fairlead material and that has worked well and no evidence of wear yet:




Sorry, but I neglected to reply to your message!  I was in North Carolina, following an angiogram and like all the members of my family, the anesthetic does me in for a week!  The angio was completely clear, thank goodness!  Long story, but let's just say I'm not a fan of Prednasone for shoulder pain.

Thanks for the great pictures, they will help me with the project.  I had already done what you did in the first picture and will now follow your lead on the second one.  

Are you headed to Oshkosh?  We leave Sunday and will be there until Friday.  


Glad the pictures are helpful!

Pulled the 5th wheel camper out of the barn today to "pre-flight" it! Leaving Wed a.m. for Oshkosh and there 'til Sunday.



Hope you had a good trip to Oshkosh?  We were there from Sunday to Friday morning and rented a house south of 18/36.  Got great wake up calls in the morning!  

I never saw the guys from Jabiru, hope that isn't an omen?  I thought the vendor displays were down and we didn't think there were as many homebuilts as in the past.  I did get to see Jimmie Young for a few minutes.


Had a great trip! But no,  Jabiru was very much present! They had an outside display with their engines and their aircraft. I got to relay personally to Pete that I had decreased my needle jet from a .285 to a .280 (as he had recommended)  and dropped my average burn on the 3300 precisely 1 gph to 5.2 gph and my 6 cylinder EGT's at cruise were averaging around 1350 - precisely where he now recommends they should be. Even better, it's not unusual at cruise to see the EGT spread as tight as 34 degrees F - pretty good for only one carb and 6 cylinders!

You should have stayed for Friday night - excellent builder dinner at the Elk's Lodge. Nice to connect faces with names!


Wow, I never did see them, must have been looking at the pretty girls!  I put in a different jet, but can't recall which it was?  I'm burning about 6.2 GPH with the big tires.  I will check what I installed.  My CHT on #5 is still high, but I still don't have many tach hours on it.  I'm going to fly hard, now that my hangar is built and see if that gets me some better temps.

Sorry to have missed the banquet, but my wife scheduled the "Fun Family Outing" in Chicago with the grandkids and we had to leave.  Maybe next year?  

I'd leave it at 6.2 - a little rich - until you've thoroughly broken-in the engine and temps are good. It might actually be lower at cruise since I would guess most of your flights are short duration with a lot of take-offs, etc.

Sounds like good advice.  Like they say, in an emergency, the first thing to do is wind your watch!  I'll give it a bit more time to break in.  Flying to an EAA chapter lunch tomorrow with some buddies.  I'm flying out of my new hangar now.


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