This Q&A is now closed and replaced with a new Q&A based on the latest upgrade drawings at

To all 601XL and 650 builders and aircraft owners. If you have a specific question regarding the upgrade, post it here and I will consult with Chris Heintz so that we can give you the best possible answer. Please be specific about your questions.

When posting a question or replying to an existing comment, PLEASE add it to end of the last page.

Zenith Aircraft is upgrading its 601 XL, so a lot of questions are answered on the step-by-step Blog Posts on this main page.

Views: 6630

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Yes, I see no issues with what you are suggesting. It would be good if you could make up a sketch so that we completely understand the assembly.
You will have to use the same size A6 rivets as your wing skins still have these holes. With the upgrade, we are recommending that an extra rivet be installed between each rivet on the upper and lower skin rivet lines at the spar. However, with your A6 rivets, you will not have to add rivets between them.
To all:
Please remember that the drawings are "DRAFT" only at this time and many parts will be updated. So please do not start making parts and riveting things back together etc.

We will have the final drawings shortly.

Since the release of the "DRAFT" drawings, many specialists have shared many different opinions with us, so we are trying to cover every reasonable issue, without completely redesigning the aircraft.

Chris Heintz is still very concerned about "overloading" (exceeding the limitations) so adding an extra 15-20% margin at the wing root fittings may be the right thing to do.

Chris Heintz would like to thank everyone for their patience and support.
6W7-2 does stay and 6-ZU-1-5 gets riveted on top of it.
Can you get the website manager to flip these responses around to read from the top and recent? Now they are newest is last. Thanks, Mark
Looking into this.
Hi Matt, While the wing is open, what about the idea of adding a .025 sheet of alum to the underside of the top skin at the wing root. Where we stand on the wing. Would this have any detrimental effects. Would it be adding unnessary weight? Alan
I think that would be a good idea ,doubling up in the area that you stand on .I have seen a few XLs that have
the rear rib flange positions "showing through like an X-ray " as the skin creases around them .eg 100kg+ on ONE FOOT pressing BETWEEN the ribs .
Adding an EXTRA small 0.025" piece over these four rear ribs would prevent this .
The Sportscruiser has this done ,and It "very much" looks like it started its life as an XL .
Keep up the good R and D work and this aircraft will be the best !
Best Regards
p.s This would save me having to carry a sandbag ,to act as a doormat to prevent this "point load "from creasing the skin in this area .:0)
We added extra thick material for the walkway area of the CH2000 aircraft. Works great but it does add a lot of weight. With all the items we will be adding in the upgrade kit, we must be very careful about how much more we add.
I and many other builders have done this. I used a .040 sheet though to make it beefy. You can go between ribs 2 and 3 or all 4 if you like. not lay the pieces under your skin and back drill them. You may see a small bulge in the skin when you put it down or if you get fancy and use a hole finder you can put the double out the external portion of the wing seen it done both ways.

When I taught school I always used to be frustrated when my students wouldn't read the directions on a test or assignment. Well... I failed to note that you wanted all new postings to be added at the end of the discussion so I apologize for adding my comment about the wing lockers following another poster's question yesterday. I see that I am not alone in doing this so you may need to read previous pages to see all the questions and comments that have come in.

Tim Juhl
Good point Tim. I have been going to previous pages to see if people are adding comments but we are starting to have quite a few pages.


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