Starting the process of shopping and checking out float options. Clicked on the Zenair float forum and I know it's different, but now I'm asking myself why so?

Why does it link to the blogs and not open up a "Thread" type forum! Makes it hard to search and get any good info from it!

Why oh why, forum gods??? :(

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No forum gods around here, but for some reason, that forum has always had a slightly different home page and I haven't an idea why!  However, when I access the page, it does list "discussions" that have a thread format. But, down near the bottom of the list you'll see "View All" - when you click that you get a discussion page with a format like the rest of the forums and has a search box in the upper left corner, just like all the other forums.  Again, don't know why it is like that and it is clunky, but that's the way it works!

If you're not seeing all that, have you "joined" the Float forum? I believe you've got to do that or it is read-only. If you have any problem "joining," then "friend" me and I can "invite" you to join. I think that will work.  Keep us posted!

Remember, I'm a Moderator and not a techie/webmaster (have zero to do with forum set-up and format, etc.), so that's my story and I'm sticking to it!  ;>)

John Moderator

Thanks John, I clicked the "View All" and it opened up to a normal type thread display.  Looks like some good stuff in there that I haven't had the chance to see.  Probably a misdirected link that sends it to the blog page first! Thanks! :D


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