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I have a problem with my fuel gauges on a 601XLB. I did not build the plain and it does fly well but no matter how much fuel is in the tanks they read between 3/4 and full. The gauges work as I replaced them with new from ZAC. The senders are from ZAC also. The sending units apper to be working with 10 gal. in the right tank I connected an ohm meter to the sending unit at the gauge and shook the plane and the reading was at 10.1 ohms and fluctuates. I have no idea where to go from here. Anyone have any ideas?
I had 3 gal. left after a flight in the right tank and 6 in the left. The gauges read just above 3/4 after filling the tanks up it did not move. When I shack the plane or fly the gauges do not move. I have checked the grounds, and the power to the gauge and tested the sending units at the gauges. I got a remote camera for Christmas but I can not use it to look in the tanks. I have tried to use a light and mirror but can't see anything.
UPDATE on my Fuel Gauge problem. Today I saw the floats. The float is in the inside end of the tank about half way between the front and back of the tank close to the cockpit. With the fill cap at the other end about halfway or more from the front of the wing. with the dihedral in the wing I have 6 gal at the fill point and full at the float. Now I have to fly it to almost empty to see how it will read. May have to change to some other type of senders and gauges to get a good fuel readings.
Welcome to the world of Zen senders... Do a search, you'll find many a thread on these pieces of junk... :(
Dave makes some very good points! When I built my 750, it never occurred to me to adjust the sender arm prior to installation. The result was that one sender's float bottomed-out on the tank bottom before the other and therefore the reserves at empty weren't the same. My EFIS allowed for calibration of the senders, but I still had to have a higher reserve than I wanted in both tanks so they would read equally at "empty." Remember that even if you bend the arms perfectly, the tanks are hand-made and vary slightly. Just a few degrees difference from vertical in the side-wall of the tank where you mount the sender makes a big difference in where the arc of the float travels!
I think most of the problems with VDO senders is that some are not genuine but rather "VDO type" aftermarket parts from third-world vendors and the quality varies - what you get is "luck of the draw." Mine have been fine for 350+ hrs and 3 1/2 years ... the only problem I had was an improper ground which was my fault!
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