First of all this is not a sales gimmick.  I have no connection to this tool, but it saved me a lot of grief putting my wings on. It's called a "handee clamp" and it's basically a clamp at the end of a foot long stick that has a clamp size/tension adjustment knob at the opposite end from the clamp, a real simple device.  The clamp end can go from nothing to about an inch. The great thing is that it really holds the object in the clamped end tightly, so tightly you can almost use it as a wrench. I works great for any place that you can't get your fat little fingers. I used it to reach high up in my trailing edge to hold the spar nut, and then to hold the nut on the control stick aileron horn behind the seat of my 601. It's built well enough that it can hold A-3 washer that you can place over a bolt, then back off the tension and then put the nut on with the same tool. This thing works way better than the magnetic finger glove thing I was trying to use before, plus it has a much longer reach. It cost about $18 bucks but it paid for it's self in lack of frustration the 1st hour I used it. I think it has to be purchased online. This is my first testimonial ever, but it's a great, cheap time saver.

Brad Rawls

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It is called a "Handee Clamp".  I have one from Amazon.

Thanks for the correction, At least I was close ;-)


Thanks for the review - it's perfectly OK for Forum members to review products that think might be helpful to our community as long as they are not promoting the product for their own commercial purposes.  The members have told me loud and clear they don't like to be "sold" something and would much rather hear from a satisfied customer!

Thanks again,

John Forum Moderator

I second the good review. I bought one of these from the EAA store after seeing it in Kitplanes. I've used it several times and it's very Handee!!


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