Looking at purchasing a zenith 701 that has a bend landing gear on the right side. So the right wing hangs down a little while on the ground. Does anyone know what the cost would be to fix the gear? Would I need to buy two new gears or just remove and bend it with a press?

Also, has anyone had any corrosion issues on a plane from humid parts of the country?

Any help is appreciated.


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Hey Wes
So far I've seen 3 701's with bent gear (not including mine) 2 of them just got sagger as time went on. We have all went with the grove gear. The grove gear won't bend over time. The main gear is one piece so you will end up doing both sides. On the corrosion issue I've not seen anything I inspected a 7yr old 701 an was surprised to see no smoking rivets an no crossion but ok sure it has a lot to do with the environment the plane is in.

Hi Wes,

Personally I would not bend it back.  I've no experience with the Grove gear spring.  Zenith lists the main gear spring at $506 (http://www.zenithair.com/kit/701/gear.html) and I would spend another $30 and replace all the spacers, bolts, and nuts, so probably about $600 with freight. Easy to replace, four nuts and the entire gear spring and the wheels come off the aircraft. Another four nuts and bolts per side and the wheels are free from the gear spring.  I would also inspect the aircraft for evidence of a hard landing, esp. the right side main wheel axle, wing attachment area, and the lift strut attachment area. Installing the replacement gear spring will require some filing, the kit install instructions would help greatly there.


Thanks for the advice. I am concerned that their might be some hidden damage from the landing I am not seeing. I am not an expert by any means and just don't want to get into something I have to immediately put alot more money into. The engine is a 912 uls and has only ran 10 hours in the last five years. Another concern on this plane. Might need to pass on it.

I had called Grove before about a friends Kitfox, They said a while back they changed from using 6061-T6 Aluminum to 2024-T4, They said that they did have some people send back some bent earlier versions and they would analyze it and see if it  could be bent back one time with out stress cracks. but they new ones they do not do that anymore and does not recommend it. You can call groves and just question them about their older 6061, it also depends on how much the original hard landing bent it i would imagine. does not take much to see the wing droop on one side by the time you get out that distance at the wing tip.  Just use this information for reference only... :)

Thanks for the reply Joe. I think I am going to pass on this plane unless the price can be made worth it for me to do the fixes. Appreciate your help.


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