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Completed my fourth flight in my CH2000 this evening, have 5.4 flight hours on the completely overhauled 0-235NC engine. Thus far it has performed flawlessly, very happy with how it turned out. I am glad that my A&P allowed me to do the rebuild, as I am not sure if I could have afforded to have a shop do the work. It was a complete overhaul plus a new cam and tappets. It will take a while to seat the rings in the chrome cylinders, but hey, I get to fly.
Work is progressing on the stol 750, not as fast as I had hoped, but a little here and there and it will get done, just wish it would be sooner rather then later, but I have an engine to pay off first.
Some might wonder why I do not put a Lycoming or Continental in the stol, the short answer is cost. For me to overhaul the 0-235 myself was $9,000. Add the cost of a few thousand to buy a high time engine that will need work, that will blow my budget. I am planning on installing a Subaru engine, if done correctly, it will give me as good of performance as a Lycoming or Continental, but at a fraction of the cost.
But hey, I am still grinning from this evenings flight in the CH2000, it is a fun little plane to fly.
Regarding your intentions to install a Subaru on the 750, I am curious if you have considered using either a Honda Viking or a Suzuki from Aeromomentum. If you have, what tipped you to the Subaru?
The short answer is yes, I have looked at those engines. Nothing against Viking, but I do not think I would want to use their product, but the Honda engine is a definite viable engine, although not sure that I want the direct gas injection, but a fuel injected engine would be nice. The Aeromnmentum engine looks very nice and it seems like a good fit for the 750, but price is a major factor. Will Kirkbird is using a Subaru EA81 on his 750 and he said he is getting very good results with it. The mechanic her at the ranch where I work has lived in Japan and is totally sold on the Subaru motor, which is another favorable factor. If I could afford one of the above engines, they would be very hard to pass up, but I am on a strict budget and will be doing much of the work myself, but was fortunate enough to come across a Subaru motor with an Autoflight psru that was set up in an aircraft already, so it will need only a few changes to fit into the 750.
Having researched the Subaru, there are a lot of examples flying, most of which those flying behind them are very pleased with the performance. The Subaru may not be the best fit for the 750, it may take 200 feet to get in the air instead of 100 feet, but the cost difference is pretty substainal, and one that at this time I can not justify. In the future maybe? But not today.
Several people have commented that it is cheaper to buy a used plane then it is to build one, which is probably true, but the long term cost will make it less expesnsive, plus the fact that I can change motors if and when I can afford to upgrade. For me, I have to make compromises, most people are going with a glass panel, which is great, but at a cost of $4000 or more, I can not justify. I have purchased used steam gauges, which will work for what I need, plus the fact that I want to look outside the plane and not at a pretty display. The engine is the same compromise, there are better out there, but I can afford the Subaru, it is a very stout and robust engine, and it will do what I ask of it.
I hope this answered your question Ken, if not, let me know and I will try again.
I think I get it Jonathan. Thanks for the explanation.
Great pictures! Good inspiration for the rest of us to get our projects done, thanks for sharing!
Thank you, your project looks fantastic, I hope mine turns out half as nice.
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