Who is going to OSH 2018 this year? Flying, driving, walking? If you're going and want to list your name, if if you're flying your own aircraft, camping, etc. it would make it easier for those of us that have come to know you only through your posts to finally meet you in person and see the result of all of your hard work, or compare notes on progress. 



On another note, I may have space at a booth that borders the ultralight field for a completed Zenith 750 for others to look at and enjoy. The space with be the gathering for the STOL demo team, and the pilots and probably one of their planes will also be there. PM me if you are interested.


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My wife and I will also be driving the motor home from Warrenton Missouri and will be camping, if you call it that in a motor home in the improved sites with water and electric..  We will be there for the entire show for the entire week.  Will dig out my classic Zenith tee-shirt, its getting a bit ratty so it's pretty comfortable!

I will be there, driving out and camping with some others in my eaa chapter. Will be there The whole week get there late Thursday.
I'm going to modify the artwork a little and make it available.

Walt Snyder

Walt and fellow Zenith folks:

Got a good Tip idea for me, please?

I will be stationed at the camp ground in the Tipmobile RV.

During the day, I will be roaming the grounds for wise ideas and clever, creative insights into building.

Contact me via email at the show, if you need: jon@joncroke.com (trusting the internet is working!)

And see everyone at dinner.

Dont waste too much time - back to building!


You bet Jon!

I will be driving up from Florida and Amy is flying in next week Thursday, just in time for the Zenith dinner. We'll be spending the week with the Zenith crew to promote the airplanes and help out at the workshop.

We also promote our services to help you finish your airplane, explain our builder assist programs and the 2 Week Wonder program Wheels and Wings is offering in Florida.

Breaking news: Due to customer change orders we have 2 Viking 130 engines for sale ( one is brand new with only 5 miles ) and one Zenith CH750 Firewall Forward package. Jan has promised to have these engines ready just in time so I can bring them to the show and they will be on display in the Viking booth and ready for delivery during or after the show! 

We wish you all a great Airventure 2018!!  

Herman and Amy Eshuis


Here's our Oshkosh 2018 preview video. We look forward to seeing many of you next week!


New from Zenith:

Zenith Planes For Sale 

Classified listing for buying or selling your Zenith building or flying related stuff...

Custom Instrument Panels
for your Zenith

Custom instrument panels are now available directly from Zenith Aircraft Company exclusively for Zenith builders and owners. Pre-cut panel, Dynon and Garmin avionics, and more.

Zenith Homecoming Tee:

Zenair Floats

Flying On Your Own Wings:
A Complete Guide to Understanding Light Airplane Design, by Chris Heintz

Builder & Pilot Supplies:

Aircraft Insurance:


Transition training:

Lavion Aero

K&S Aviation Services

Aircraft Spruce & Specialty for all your building and pilot supplies!

How to videos from HomebuiltHELP.com

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