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I just installed my UAVionix ADSB-out and passed my PAPR and GAIRS verification flight(s)
I'm not sure how many of you have already completed the test but I wanted to offer my unsolicited advice;
What I did was to draw up a flight profile outlining all the maneuvers that would ensure a "Pass" the first time around. All the easily-accessible literature just says to "maneuver for 30 minutes in Class B airspace" but there is actually a bit more to it.
According to AC 20-165B the feds actually want you to emulate a complete flight including a climb at Vx/Vy of at least a one minute duration, maneuvers to include two right turns and two left turns, Flight at Vne minus 10kts with runs N to S and E to We (or vice versa I guess. Slow flight and descents.
(I have a .pdf of my flight profile if anyone cares)
The other thing I want to share is once I got on the ground and went to the fed website requesting the performance report, I got the first e-mail about 15 minutes later. Unfortunately the first stated that
"your request failed to generate a result"
I resubmitted using the Hex Decimal identifier and got my "Pass" so if your N-number does not produce a result, try the other identifying info like your ICAO Dex identifier
Here are links to the documents I used to make my flight profile.
e-mail with questions
I beta-tested a pre-production uAvionix "skyBeacon" and did numerous test flights and obtained PAPR's for most of them. My understanding was that if you're self-installing the unit in an EAB and not attempting to qualify for a rebate, you don't have to navigate in Class B as long as you're in a good ADSB coverage area and get a "passing" PAPR. However, doing this test in a Class B will assure you're in a good coverage area, so it's not a bad idea. My airstrip is in a relatively narrow valley with no coverage down in the valley floor. So, PAPR flights originating from the valley would tend to show ADSB errors in the take-off and landing phase. I learned pretty quickly to fly to one of the airports up on the plateau, in good coverage, and start and terminate a test flight there so the coverage was complete.
I'm impressed with the FAA's quick generation of reports. Usually, if you get a "your request failed to generate a result," it just means you didn't give them enough time - a few more minutes and likely you'd get a report with your tail number only.
It is truly interesting all the numerous parameters they check! Very small numbers of errors usually aren't significant and one can request a manual interpretation by a real human if there is doubt! I got one manual report and the tech also included a Google Map of my entire flight showing where the ADSB was working and where it wasn't.
Obtaining the rebate was always part of my plan, so a test outside of Class B was never really an option (how often do the feds give you money for dong something required?).
I knew the system was working on the ground, the friendly RV who gave me a 5 by 5 radio report also stated that i was showing up on his ADSB-in platform
Interesting about waiting a bit longer to submit a report. I was probably on the ground for about 20 minutes when I sent my first email. My heart sank thinking I had to repeat the test phase before realized what they were saying. I resubmitted right away and got the "pass" report.
Get ready ... you'll be shocked at how much and how close traffic is around you that, prior to ADSB, you were totally unaware of!
Well, I've been using "In" for about a year.
I bought a used Stratus receiver and an iPad, but you're right.
It truly is scary to see how close traffic is that you never would have seen before.
You are right John..
On numerous occasions I have passed over and under traffic out in the middle of nowhere that I would not have seen before ADSB.
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