I have a "new in box" CH 750 STOL Rudder kit for sale. It's in it's original crate and has never been opened., 

I bought it from ZAC in August 2015, then had second thoughts about STOL versus Cruzer, so never unboxed it from it's shipping crate.  Ultimately I decided to switch to the Cruzer, which I'm presently building.

I'm planning to bring this with me to Oshkosh (driving from Cedar Rapids, Iowa). 

It's yours for $250. If anyone is interested please let me know.


Kevin Powell



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Hi Kevin

How much are you asking for the rudder?


Kevin Gill

Hi Kevin:

$250 cash, plus shipping.  Or, if you'll be at Oshkosh, I will have it with me and we can arrange to meet. 

I will be at Airventure from Monday morning, through at least Thursday night, and very probably most all of Friday. 

Let me know if this works for you.


If this is still available, what would the total be shipped to western CO 81521?




As it appears there is no way to delete the original "for sale" posting, hopefully this notice will suffice.


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