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I am running the standard CruZer tires (AIR HAWK 500-5 6 PLY TIRE) on my aircraft. Unlike auto tires, there is no recommended/max tire pressures listed on the tires. Looking for recommendations on tire pressures for the mains and nose wheels?
I too would like better input. I've inflated my mains to 20# and nose to 25# only because that's what I did in my Cessna 150. It seems to work.
I've been running 30psi on all three, 80 hours on the plane so far. I could not find any guidance on pressure, but inflating until it "looked" right has worked so far. If anyone has any official guidance I'd appreciate hearing it.
50 PSI per Air Hawk
Follow this link to read the inflation pressure for super hawk tires. This is not one pressure fits all. Is the tire tubed or tubeless. David
I made a mistake back on March 22 and posted the stausaonline web site for Air Hawk tires. While that is the correct chart for those product codes. The product code for my stock tires from Zenith tires is AB3D4 this is a six ply tire. The recommended pressure is 50#. The correct web page is here. Again my apologies for posting the wrong information.
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