I have decided not to finish the 701 project and to sell what I have built. At 73 I would rather be flying than building, although, I have enjoyed the building process very much. Everything is scratch built as per the plans except, I did not intend to use the forward slats so the wing nose is smooth, no slat brackets, and no slats. Both wings are complete with factory fuel tanks and I also have the rudder, stabilizer and elevator completed. I'm located in North Central South Carolina, I have pictures if anyone is interested.



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Where is it located? Woud you pls send pics to my whatsapp? +94779007681

Price? My name is Oscar, Tks

Hey Bob. 

Got pix of the horiz stabilizer and elevator?

How much you asking?



Dave, send me your email address and I'll send the pics.



Bob, could you provide some pics and pricing for rudder, stabilizer and elevator?
Bob Frazeysburg Ohio

Bob, send me an email address to send the pics to. I will be out of town for the week end so it may be Sunday before I can send them.




I would get the wings.

Pics and price please to crislab4@gmail.com


Hi Bob..

Still have the elevator?



Hey Bob, what are you thinking for the wings?

What are you asking for wings, if you still have them

Terry Hobert

Has this stuff been sold yet? If not then what's left?

Hi Jim, I still have everything as listed before. I've had a couple of inquiries but one was way to far away and another wanted me to build the second flaperon to have a matched set.  I'm not building anymore, to much other stuff to do. So, it's still here if you're interested, and if you want pictures, just let me know.



Looks like your just a couple hours drive from me here in Greenville. I just purchased my fuselage kit which will keep me busy for a while. My interest is only limited by my budget at the moment. Let me see if I can send my contact info directly.
Ok inboxing doesn't seem to be working on here. E-mail me at jameshs888@gmail.com and we'll see if we can get an old fashioned telephone call going.


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