Does anyone use pump gas in their 3300 engines. I have a zenith 601xlb

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AKI is "Anti Knock Index."  There are 2 common octane ratings for fuel:  MON (Motor Octane Number) and RON (Research Octane Number).  The AKI is obtained by adding the MON and RON and dividing by 2.  The octane rating on a fuel pump in the US is AKI, but in other countries it could be MON or RON- in Europe, for instance, the pump octane is usually RON.  You're correct that 90 AKI fuel, ethanol or not, and 93 AKI fuel, ethanol or not, would all be OK.


thanks for the education I went with 93 pump gas with ethanol should i use a fuel stabilizer like stabil 360  for instance to reduce water issues

Jabiru does not approve of fuel additives, so you're on your own there.  I'm not recommending it, but I've used PRI-G fuel stabilizer for years  - however, I've never blended it with fuel containing ethanol, so no experience there.

Here's a link to a service letter, JSL007-07, that goes into great detail about fuel for Jabiru engines:

Near the end of the service letter, Jabiru recommends tearing down the carburetor and mechanical fuel pump every 200 hrs or 6 months (yikes!) to inspect for rubber deterioration and metal corrosion if using fuel with 10% ethanol or greater.  The letter is from 2017, so I don't know if they've updated their recommendations or not. I don't run fuel with ethanol - makes life a lot simpler!  ;>)


thanks john i'll check it out


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