Online Community of Zenith Builders and Flyers
Hello, has anyone here installed a tail skid on a 701? I'm looking to do one on my project and looking for design ideas. Thank You
Since you're looking for design ideas, I suspect you want to fabricate something that looks much better, but the "Cessna Tail Skid" that ACS sells for $21.50 works great and just bolts under the tail tie-down ring.
Hi John, thanks for your reply. Is this the setup you used on your plane? If so, can you send me a photo please. Thanks
Yes, I installed one on my 750. I'm away from home this weekend, but can post a photo next week.
Ok John.
Thank You.
Thank for your replay John. My tie down hook is riveted in place. Its a different design on a 701 which is what I have.
Here is one designed for zenith 750 - 801 that might also work for 701.
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