I received my drawings a couple weeks ago. I was disappointed to learn they aren't already bound in any manner except for two large staples. I would like to bind and protect them for both the build period and on into the plane's flying lifetime.

During the build, did you bind the drawings? Did you use any kind of page protectors? I imagine a sturdy 3 ring binder would suffice to archive the drawings for reference once the build is done?

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I used these:


Along with a "Zenith Binder" that I built during an open house event, they provided more than adequate protection for the plan sheets.  I also found a dry erase marker worked well to temporarily scribble notes on certain pages. 

Good luck!


I bought 11" x 17" page protectors and put one sheet inside each protector. This then allows me to use either a permanent or dry-erase marker to make notes or check off or highlight items without affecting the actual page. For the binder I use the one that I made at the Zenith Open house from their hands-on project. Call the factory to order.

I made my own binder out of .063 aluminum and a piano hinge on the top cover.  Used 3 Binding Barrels to hold everything together that went through the 3 holes (used a regular 3 hole punch) and they can be removed easily if you need to change out pages: https://www.mcmaster.com/screws/binding-barrels-and-screws/steel-bi...

I made the bottom sheet of the binder 2" bigger than the top with a hole so it could be hung on the wall when I needed more room on the bench.

You can see the binder in this pic, sorry I don't have a better pic because I sold the plane and the plans went with it.  I like the idea of the page protectors Clint and RJ mentioned.

Hard copies of drawings are less prevalent in engineering these days, so finding an 11x17 (B size) binder is probably harder now than it was in about 2003, there were not a lot around even then. You might find one at a technical print shop, and it will probably be dusty, but cheap.

Searching '11x17 binder' on Amazon comes up with a lot of options.  Am I missing something?

That is good news.

I purchased binders from Crane Binders.  Their binders are not cheap, but they are very well made.  I'm very pleased with them.

They also include a small quantity of the 11x17 page protectors with the binder.


As an engineer I was taught how to fold engineering drawings decades ago. B-size (11x17 tabloid) sheets are easy: lay the sheet right-side up, fold the sheet in half right over left, and then fold the right half back again in half so the title block is showing. I then used a standard (for the U.S.) paper punch to insert the whole lot in a standard 8-1/2 x 11 binder. Easy to store, easy to scan the title blocks to find the appropriate sheet, and easy to unfold when working.

I share your disappointment that the drawing set came with a two staple binding ;)

I took mine to Office Depot, where they made a thick laminated cover (front and back) and then punched the entire set to accept a nice plastic spiral binding.  

1). Pages are robustly protected - don't tear out!

2) Pages turn easily without grabbing or binding.

3). Book sits perfectly flat on bench or table.

4). It was not that expensive, and looks "professional"

5). Did for Construction Standard Document as well.  



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