picking up my kit in mid november...any suggestions as to what i should get built before the arrival...i ahve seen/heard that a 4X12 table is sufficient...thoughts appreciated...dpasahow

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The one bench suffices, and if space is available another 4x 8 space was handy to lay out parts, and place a wing, etc on.Pretty much anything works, Good luck with the project ! Jim
The crate my fuselage kit came in made a fantastic bench for myself. I'll upload some photo's if your interested. All you do is make some very simple legs and buy some mdf from your local harware store and screw it to the top. Total for me was $35. The best thing is that it's the perfect size obvious everything will fit on top because it came packed inside and secondly all you have to is a quick inventory check and leave everthing back inside the crate under the top so your not using up extra for space for parts storage. Took me less than half a day to build too.
Jacob, I would love to see pics of your bench!
Here's the pictures you asked for. doesn't look much but it is extremely stable. Any queries just ask I'd be glad to help.
Sorry here's the photos
I haven't tried a 750, but for the XL, a 4x12 was big enough to assemble the individual main assemblies. I did have a separate bench for my drill press and band saw, and even then, a totally separate bench to work on the little stuff would have been nice.
I used the metal connectors and screws that are available at places like Home Depot. Makes a very sturdy table and when the time comes, I can just unscrew everything and use it else where.
tks...consistent with what i have heard...a second use makes sense unless this becomes an addictive use of spare time and funds...dp
David - I took a week to make myself a fantastic 4x8 table, with underneath material storage, top made of high density fibreboard. I actually ended up disassembling this table and using the wood to make myself a storage shelf unit: three shelves, each 10ft long and 4 ft wide, total unit 8 ft tall. I quickly needed the parts storage space much more than I needed a big table to build on!

The rest of the work I have done on two worktables: One is a simple folding table with laminated plastic-coated MDF top, your average "folding table", size 4x8, and a luan door on top of that. The luan door is very flat, and most importantly, you can put clecos into it and you can turn and move it to get at the work easier. The other worktable is 12 ft long and about 4 ft wide. I use it to do long and narrow work, such as when I built and riveted the center wing spar. Worked like a champ. I have other small tables and plywood/sawhorses I can put together if need be.

I wouldn't spend weeks making a crazy-nice work surface. The first assemblies you'll work on, the rudder and horiz. stab, will go together nicely on a 4x8 flat table. The folding table and luan door are doing the trick for me as long as your FLOOR is flat. That's the key. I have a poured concrete floor now that I get to work on and it makes all the difference!
appreciate the counsel...sounds perfect...loking forward to starting...dp


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