
Question for everybody on aluminium material replacement.

My plan for CH640 Fuselage required "L" longeron made from 6061-T6, 0.093 thickhness (3/4" x 3/4"), but my local provided is back order on this material.

He propose me 1 x 1 x .125 thickh, but in 6063-T3 alu. Could I replace it by this one ? or other any other material like 2024-T4 could be use (in same or other thickness).

What are my alternatives ?

Christian Tremblay

CH640 scratch build from plan

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this site might give you the info you are looking for. 


"The bearing yield strength is a measure of how a material will respond in joining arrangements; think when two metal plates are joined by a screw drilled through both plates. The bearing yield strength is the maximum amount of stress that will not cause this hole-joint to fail (stretch/crack) when the plates are pulled/pushed, and is a useful measure in applications such as in scaffolding where this arrangement is common. Again, 6061 is more often chosen for these applications as it has a much higher bearing strength over 6063 aluminum (386 MPa vs. 276 MPa)."

Tks Russell for referenced articles.

I will kept them in my reference builder documentation. Now I can choose alu alternative for replacement of extrusion if needed.


I don't know where Zenith buys is 0.093 3/4" equal L.  But it's not very common.

6061-T6 0.125 3/4" equal L is much easier to find.  The standard length for both of these extrusions is 25 feet.

tks Timothy for information.

I will try find it in this lenght, economy of longeron splice with 8 bolts installation for 4 joints.


do not use 6063 as it is an arcitectural grade and not suitable (it can be identified by a sharp inside corner where as the structural grades will have a radius on the inside corner). The .093 shown in the plans is propreitary to Zenith  at least here in the US. The common substitute is 3/4 x 3/4 .125 thick 6061-T6 and is commonly available. in the US it is less than $20 a length 

Tks Dan for Information.


Not doubting you, but it appears(IME) that the L that zenith uses has a sharp inside corner. The 601HD that I dismantled had a sharp inside corner. The plans(601HD and 650B) also show a longeron with a sharp corner. Not sure if this changed on the newer models, I have not ordered those parts for my 650B.


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