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I'm installing a Zenith FWF kit for my Jabiru. I'm trying to figure out the best location and orientation for the air filter box. Could someone share some photos? It's for a 601XL.
There is an entire document for the Jabiru FWF kit for the 601XL.
I am attaching the version I have, but there may be something more up-to-date on the Jabiru or Zenith sites.
By the way. I see you are in Virginia. I currently live in Michigan but am building a hangar at Smith Mountain Lake airport (W91) so I can eventually move there. Good to see there is at least one more 601XL in the area.
Wow. I asked the dealer specifically for this, and was told there was not one. Maybe she was confused when I asked for instructions for a Zenith 601? I've looked through all the manuals online on both the Jabiru and It'll be interesting to see how far I've diverged from these instructions already, as I'm done fitting the cowling. Thanks Mike!
Love the guys at Arion Aircraft, but providing stuff on their web site is definitely not their strong suit. You usually have to ask.
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