Has anyone used 2=way glazing tape as a backer for windshield/ side window mounting? I've used it a lot with heavy glass and some plexiglass, seems like it would be a good cushion and seal..

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I used Butyl Tape.  Is that the same thing you are talking about?  Here is an amazon link for the description.

Amazon Butyl Tape

It has sealed well and the excess was easy to clean off. 

We used to say butyl was brutal, it was strong but not as easy to work with and was thicker than standard glazing tape, glazing tape was 1/2 wide by 1/16 thick, it was white or gray. from crl. I would imagine it would provide a good seal and soften the contact which would impede the desire to crack. .But am glad to hear somebody is using tape after reading about leaks.

Someone just took a quick glance at this over my shoulder and asked me what 'butt tape' was. Gotta go clean my keyboard now.

I have a brand new windshield, installed w/o cracks, "yet". would mounting with acrylic or Butyl, and removing screws be recommended?

Butyl is an excellent sealing tape, but it's not that strong of an adhesive (That's why it peels off so cleanly if it has to be removed!).  Most windshields utilizing butyl tape (not Zenith) that I've seen are either secured with screws or had a metal flange/trim (secured by screws to the airframe) that overhung the edge of the windshield to keep it in place.  A popular method on the high wing Zenith aircraft to secure the windshield to the vertical tubing on the sides is to drill the screw holes in the acrylic windshield oversize and put a soft plastic sleeve (cut short lengths of soft vinyl tubing) on the screw so the windshield can't contact the metal screw and can "float" to some extent with expansion/contraction.  That's what I did on my 750 STOL and then across the base of the windshield I used silicon sealant between the lip of the Zenith-supplied rubber seal and the fuselage - I suppose you could use butyl instead of silicon sealant under the rubber lip if it seems to stick well (never tried that!)?



Good idea for the front windshield, but perhaps on the side rear windows I'll use the tape. but isn't butyl or butt tape as Bob would say an emulsified petroleum based product? If so glazing tape would be better. 


Whatever butyl caulk tape is, it works! EAA "Hints for Homebuilders" has an excellent how-to video on this. I did use butyl caulk tape on my rear windows and also the overhead window - that was 11+ yrs ago and zero leaks.


Your right, when we had to pull out glass with butyl, it would take forever, and would stretch out a couple of feet., I asked why in glazing we don't use it anymore, and it turned out to be the seal around the desiccant was incompatible.


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