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I was running a "late Gen 2" Jabiru 3300 with a Sensenich carbon fiber ground adjustable prop and had a prop strike sometime back. The prop was deemed not repairable (and has been discontinued) by Sensenich and was recommended to get the 2EOU5 carbon fiber, ground adjustable prop (which is designed for the 3300 and also UL Power engines). Don Rowell, the general manager at Sensenich, said I should expect climb performance equal to my old prop and better top end speed with this new prop. He also recommended trimming the prop to 66".
Right now, I've got the prop set on pin #2 and I'm seeing 2800 at initial take-off roll which quickly accelerates to 2900 and then to 3000 in the initial climb. The biggest difference is that I can only turn 3150 in full throttle, level flight whereas I used to see 3250 on my old prop. However, I do think my speeds are a few knots higher both in cruise (2850) and wide-open throttle. My fuel burn is a little higher but I think that may be due that I'm breaking-in a new Gen4 3300 and keeping the EGT's well within specs (I use an AeroInjector TBI carb, so I have a manual mixture control that let's me enrichen the mixture to lower the EGT's).
Just wondered if any of our members have the 2EOU5 prop in a 750 STOL (or Cruzer?) with a 3300? If so, I would be interested in what pin setting on the prop you're using and what numbers you're seeing on take-off run, climb, and wide-open throttle.
I have the now discontinued Whirlwind prop so I will be interested to see your results. Do you have any idea what degree of pitch pin 2 would be equal to?
I have no idea! Sensenich simply goes by the numbered pins and nowhere do they cross-reference to an equivalent pitch. The blade has a complex shape and maybe even a little twist in it so it might be difficult to come up with a firm number for pitch. Just this a.m. I got my AeroInjector TBI "carb" sorted and am consistently seeing higher speeds at the rpm's I typically cruise at. However, I'm also seeing higher fuel burn and don't know if that's because I'm breaking-in a new engine or the prop. I can lower my rpm's somewhat and lower the burn and still make my old speed, so I think that'll work out ok, but I want to keep the rpm's up for a few more hours to be sure the engine is thoroughly broken-in. It's running very cool with CHT's in the mid-to-upper 250's and oil temps <200 and this is "right out of the box" with no tweaking. Jabiru is now going ahead and glassing-in the diverters inside the ram air ducts and I haven't even touched them. I'm running a 7-row cooler with a 1"x4" slot cut in the top of the rubber that ducts the cowl intake into the cooler. It's also using virtually no oil. Happy camper so far!
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