I've just been asked by my family what am I going to call my Cruzer, and to be honest I wasn't going to, but I am curious if it's a thing or not.

Have you named your plane? Examples??

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Yes, but it's a secret. Shhhhh.

I've been thinking of POP, Product of Procrastination.

My 701 is named LIL BUMPY

I'm building a 650 and will call her "L'Oiseau Bleu" which is French for "The Blue Bird".

It is also a tip-of-the-hat to Nungesser and Coli. They were some of the ones who were trying to be the first to cross the Atlantic without stopping. Their airplane was name "L'Oiseau Blanc".


First name that pops into my head is "Smoking Checkbook!" LOL!

But seriously, as to naming airplanes, I seems to me it is pretty much a mixed bag.  My impression is the vast majority of certified and experimental airplanes are not named - in fact they're usually referred to rather generically, i.e., "my 172," "my Cruzer," my "750 STOL,' etc.  I tend to refer to my 750 STOL by the tail number, "750A."  OTOH, some planes, and perhaps more so those that tend to be displayed at airshows and fly-ins, are named as a play on words to emphasize some aspect or feature of the plane - one that immediately comes to mind is "Metal Illness," a Sonex seen regularly at Oshkosh (obviously an all metal, polished airplane!).

Bottom line - naming your plane? ... some do, some don't, but that's especially what's great about EAB's - you can pretty much do whatever you want!  :)



I was accused by my wife of having a mistress at my hangar during the build process of my 701. So I named My plane 

XENA. PRONOUNCED  Z-NAH . I thought that was cool because it is a Zenith. There use to be a show on TV called XENA the warrior princess, do you remember her!

There use to be a show on TV called XENA the warrior princess, do you remember her!

Two things immediately come to mind! LOL!


Right now it's called THE METAL MISTRESS


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