Hello Everyone, 

Does anyone have a Starter Solenoid Wiring Diagram for a Jabiru 3300A. I have a wire that has a capacitor attached to the Solenoid, and I don't know where it goes to.

Thanks for your help!

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Any possibility it's a diode rather than a capacitor?  It's common practice to run a diode across the solenoid's terminals to prevent arcing in the start switch and burning the terminals.  I don't have a pic with a clear view of the diode across the starter solenoid, but here's a pic that shows the diode across the terminals of the master solenoid (the solenoid on the left in the picture):



Hi John, thanks for your reply. I was hoping that you would. 

Here are a couple pictures showing the Blue Connector coming out of my Solenoid, with the Diode wrapped in heat shrink, however the other end of the Diode is not connected to anything, and that’s the one that I don’t know where to connect. 

Thanks again!

Adel Bazzi 


I have attached the Jabiru installation manual, which includes the wiring diagrams.  It can be helpful at times.  JEM3302-8_Inst-.pdf

Hi John, 

Thanks for the reply. I had already gone through this, and unfortunately no mention of the Diode on it. This is very vague. 


Adel Bazzi

Master and starter solenoid diodes connect differently. If this is your starter solenoid, and the cathode (with the stripe) is going to the solenoid, the other end (anode) should go to ground.

This might help:



Hi Bob, 

Thanks for your reply. This is exactly what I needed.

Question… Do you know if there is a specific size Diode that I need for my Starter Solenoid? I accidentally broke the one that was attached to the solenoid, and I need to replace it now. 

Thanks again!

Adel Bazzi 

1N4001 or 1N4004 are commonly used. The 4004 has a higher current rating, so I'd go with that.

26 cents at Mouser.

Perfect! Thanks again for your help. 

Adel Bazzi 


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