Looking for ideas on where to install a tailBeaconX on a 750 Cruzer. Needs clear view of sky and ground.  Metal fuselage prevents install inside. Fins vertical. Ideas?



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The tailBeaconX is a great unit, but not a great choice for a 750. It's designed to be installed on the rear of the vertical stab. The problem with a 750 is the rudder goes all the way to the top. You could install it at the top of the rudder by modifying and strengthening the structure a bit. The movement of the rudder shouldn't affect reception much, if at all. The problem is going to be the cable. It will flex every time the rudder moves, so it will become a point of failure. You'd have to do regular inspections, and be prepared to replace it occasionally. For that reason, I'd install a disconnect inside the fuselage near the rudder, and another under a panel on the rudder itself. That way you'd only have to disconnect that section and connect a new one when necessary. You'd also need to be mindful of water intrusion, both in the cable, and in the points where it enters the rudder and fuselage.

are tail beacon lights required ?

Not necessarily. If you don't fly at night, it's not required. It can also be omitted if fuselage lights provide the necessary coverage, which usually means upper and lower beacons. The position at the very rear of the tail can also be deviated from to a certain degree if there are problems mounting there, such as in this case. Certain 'blind spots' are allowed. See 14 CFR 91.209 and AC 20-30B.


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