Online Community of Zenith Builders and Flyers
Finally getting to the flanging dies. A lot of fun with the fly cutter today. 3 more to go! ( I still need to glue this together and add screws).
I will be using a Harbor Freight Arbor Press. They are normally $49.99. But if you wait you can get a 20% coupon. I only paid $39.99. Probably extends the life of the dies by NOT beating on them. I've been told the press works fine for this application.
Wow! OK Thanks Larry. Any suggestions on properly holding or operating in a safe manor? I held this down on the table with my left hand using index finger for downward pressure while turning it into the router with my thumb etc. Very Very slowly. I think it took me about 2 minutes to go around the circle as there is a lot of material to remove. I feed in... from the left side (against rotation). This is my first router experience as well.
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