July 12 2023

Sent Zenith an email with a question how many security wires do I need on the elevator piano hinge - 2 or 6.
Clecoed the trim tab servo.
Drilled the rest of the holes to the size.
Finished the initial elevator assembly.

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Comment by Alexander Samoylovich on October 26, 2023 at 11:48am

Hi Tony.

Having the safety wires on the ends only looks very reasonable. As you said the wire does not have anywhere to move. I would go with it. But. I am not an A&P and I so far I have built zero airplanes. I decided to listen to the Zenith's recommendation. They recommend to install a safety wire on every hinge end.

Comment by Tony Renshaw on October 25, 2023 at 4:19pm

You can't go wrong with 6 lock wire however its about the premise of the pin vibrating outside the confines of the hinge. If your hinges butt up to each other then you'll only need the outboard ones, therefore 2, and even if they weren't lock wired the pin can only migrate within the stab tips about 2", so t aint going anywhere and hopefully you'd pick it up in a preflight. I don't do what I preach however, I have 2 hinges and 4 lock wires.....go figure. Either doesn't matter in my opinion, as long as they butt up

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