Dave Gardea
  • Male
  • New Palestine, IN
  • United States
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Welcome, Dave Gardea!

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A photo by Dave Gardea was featured

N631DG: Zenith CH 650 powered by Corvair

At Greensburg (IN) field I34, 524 hours on my Corvair-powered CH650
Oct 25, 2023
Dave Gardea posted a photo

N631DG: Zenith CH 650 powered by Corvair

At Greensburg (IN) field I34, 524 hours on my Corvair-powered CH650
May 17, 2021
Dave Gardea posted photos
Dec 21, 2020
Dave Gardea posted a video

Flying to Muncie in my Zenith CH 650

Flying from Shelbyville, Indiana (GEZ) to Muncie (MIE) for lunch in my Zenith CH 650 homebuilt airplane.
Jun 22, 2020
Dave Gardea posted a status
"Re-uploaded my CH650 project site as my free site hosting service had deleted it. Here's the new URL: flyn631dg.000webhostapp.com"
Feb 29, 2020

Profile Information

Aircraft Model
Zenith CH 650
Project Status
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Engine installed (or plan to install)
Your website (about your aircraft...)
Building Experience
No Experience
Flying Experience
Private Pilot
Building and Flying Info / Your Profession / Other Background Info
No prior building experience prior to this project
Healthcare IT consultant
Home Airport (ie. KMYJ)

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Comment Wall (32 comments)

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At 5:44am on June 18, 2021, Michael Mccarthy said…


My name is Mr. Michael Mccarthy, I have contacted you before without any response from you. Please replied if you receive this message. I have something very important to discuss with you, I have a vital information to give you. Could you please get back to me on (mmichaelmccarthy4@gmail.com ) for full details.

Michael Mccarthy.

At 10:38am on December 8, 2017, Ken Smith said…


I noticed on the Zenith Builders comment pages that at one time you had several of those 601/650 wing root fairing kits. #1 - do you have any left? #2 what kind of a price did you get for them? I checked with Roger at Zenith several years and he was reasonably sure that the Checz SportCruiser demensions on their wings were the same as the 601/650's. I checked with them last year and was told they would sell the fairings separate but had to come from across the pond - very high shipping price.My E-Mail address is "kensmith@springnet1.com"

At 12:41am on June 5, 2016, Chris Sinfield said…
I am trying to locate my Pos 12 flap ind sensor. Do you have the size and angle of the bracket that the sensor is mounted to?
Chris Sinfield.
At 1:26pm on July 6, 2014, Larry Winger said…

Thanks for the time aloft in your beautiful CH 650/Corvair combo.  It was great meeting you and getting some stick time as I move toward my airworthiness inspection.  You should be proud of your finished airplane.  Exceptional craftsmanship and a real delight to fly.  

At 10:41am on November 21, 2013, Doug Eaton said…

Hi Dave,

Thanks for your input and your enthusiasm! Yes, I am going to contact Woody Harris, the West Coast rep for William. He lives about 180 miles south of me. I have also contacted two other individuals in California and Oregon who have a long standing relationship with William. 

Thanks for the stats on your 601. Getting 5 gph at 115 mph is about as good as the new fangled "computer engines". This says alot about the engine and as well the quality of the work that went in to the modification of the engine to flight status

Can't wait to get going on mine!


At 11:58am on November 20, 2013, Doug Eaton said…

Hi Dave,

I'm new to the group. Just finished the rudder school with my wife at Quality Sport Planes in Cloverdale,Ca. I have located a Corvair engine core in Medford, Or. I live in Redding,Ca.

I plan on building the WW 3 liter engine right by the book with the 2nd gen Dan Bearing. 

We had a chance to fly a 601 at QSP. I found the aircraft difficult to see out of and the nose position at landing really blanks out the view of the runway as you touch down.

Doug Dugger the owner of QSP has explained that the 650 has addressed many of the shortcomings of the 601. Great people by the way at QSP. We are lucky to have met them.

Dave, I was hoping you could take a minute or so and give me your impression so far of the 650 Corvair combination and some of the basic info.. IE.. Empty Weight, Cruising Speed, Average Climb with one and two on board. Visibility at cruise, vs on final over the numbers, fuel burn at cruising speed.

Dave, what is your opinion of the Corvair engine now that you have really put some time on the engine. The idea of the engine really makes sense to me, but the proof is in the hours spent behing that spinning prop.

I am asking you because you seem to have flown a lot more hours than most since the time you have flown off your 40 hours. This really gives you an edge on knowing the aircraft and all of its plusses and minuses as all aircraft have them.

Thank you in advance for your time. By the way, congratulations on the incredible accomplishment of constructing your own bird.

Doug Eaton

At 8:58pm on March 27, 2013, Joe Zinkel said…

How much did you need to raise the back of the stabilizer to be neutral? I would like to raise it enough so a little less then max trim would be needed, I was thinking about 1 degree.


At 1:44pm on November 1, 2012, Shayne McDaniel said…

Dave:  I bought the 2 diodes that I used for both our planes from Digi-Key.  The part number is MBR 1060G0S-ND, diode schottky 60v, 10A T0220AC.  I ordered them from their website for $1.88 each and had them within 3 days.  I didn't see any reason to use more than 10amps and so far, I have not had any problems.  The battery I used I bought at Battery Outfitters for $27:  Model 12V 7AH SLA UB-1280.  Cranks every time!  I wouldn't have it any other way.  Best of luck!  Shayne

At 8:19am on October 10, 2012, Lynn Dingfelder said…

Hi Dave,    I too had tailwinds, though only about 15 mph, as opposed to 45 mph headwinds on the way there. A good trip, with the only bad weather right in my home area.

           I watched your Oshkosh video with great interest. It's inspiring for those of us who are more timid flyers. I hope to fly in to Osh in the future, if I can muster up the bravery.


At 10:43am on October 4, 2012, Frederick Schutt said…

Thanks Dave -for the info - I guess what I wanted was the thickness height ot the arm rest in your "seats" photo to try and figure vertical throttle quadrant height- I can't sit in cabin yet so I guess I'll put components on floor to get measurements.

Have a great day - Fred


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